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註冊: 2006-03-06

題目My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

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註冊: 2008-02-05

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

using liveview and "Hood" to replace eyecap ?
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註冊: 2006-03-06

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

I do not want to make any description of this item, just want to receive its feedback from all photographer or videographer. welcome to any negative comment.
Thanks a lot
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註冊: 2006-03-06

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

yes, my concept is as the C-hing said. better manu focusing when video shooting and review under sunshine
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註冊: 2008-02-05

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日


個人不太喜歡 live view , 覺得好傷快門 ...

同埋在500D 的live view 比較難control, 我諗望住個hood 會唔會看唔到d 制 .... (可能5D, 7D is better la)

同埋曾聽講過 如果在拍DV 看那個eyepiece 會feel 唔到手震, 看screen 就明顯D, 所以用左 e 個hood 後, 會唔會feel 唔到手震 ?

Off topic
如果可以有個adapter 可以讓我在高角度 / 低角度, 都望到screen 我會開心D XD, 因為有d 時候影d 特色照, 又唔可以訓0係度時, 會有用, 就算一塊鏡(左右對調都ok
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註冊: 2006-03-06

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

5D 2 or 7D or D300s are now more popular for video shooting even profesional photographer, they use it for thier assignment.
A tripod with video head mount on it is a must for video shooting, this is my suggestion if you want to get better quality.

more, since mounting on my loupe, there is 3 anchorage points to enhance stability during shooting.

does not need to adhere to the LCD, Easy assemble base, designed to keep away from functional keys
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註冊: 2009-09-26

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

大型VIDEO CAM 個view finder可以出到班馬紋,check有冇曝咗,另外有個功能係focus sharp時viewfinde望入去邊位線位會好sharp好明顯focus左 另外個viewfinder係黑白高解像crt的,比dv cam旁彈出黎的高解像很多而且部機計設係上肩膀, 依個情況用eyecap好有用 因為佢同slr 個viewfinder一樣可以當無限像素..越埋睇越sharp.吾會見到一格格

相機當hdcam感覺點扮都係兩回事,你埋d睇加埋放大鏡最多咪睇到果d lcd 燈一格格,sharp吾sharp都係睇吾到除非你放大,, 謂一要解決咪係太陽射住個mon睇吾到,而吾係放大個mon睇下focus sharp吾sharp.

video cam可以zoom埋去個人的面對焦.拉番wide個focus吾會走,因為裝鏡後有得調backfocus. set好遠同近時個對焦位置係一樣, 遠時最sharp的位近時吾需要扭過focus都係最sharp的位.

相機.zoom埋去對好焦,拉番wide後focus有小許差別. 枝鏡又無得較backfocus. 我跟機枝kit鏡加埋後期兩枝L鏡都係咁...睇黎吾似鏡的問題而係真係無咁design過.... 不過成日聽人相機有back focus問題...實際果隻係咪叫走焦而吾係back focus...
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註冊: 2006-03-06

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

we knew that Canon 5D 2 and 7D or Nikon D300s, its LCD monitor is very sharp, if you put this loupe enlarging the LCD screen for focusing, I can tell you its really work with any kind of lenes adapted , I used it for months before launching and its improved my video shooting problem.
I am also agreed digital camera cannot replace traditional video camera, but, if we own a Canon 5D 2 ( like me )or Nikon D300s or others camera which has video shooting, why not we won't use it, and the question for these kind of digital camera is hard to focusing while video shooting,
my concept is simple, let some of digital camera owner they can enjoy the happiness of video shooting.
thanks C-Hing your wonderful feedback, I will leran to improve for my next concept, please feel free to keep on your comment.
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註冊: 2009-09-26

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

我個就覺得過幾代(兩三年內), 我講果d班馬紋/focus時會有sharp邊的功能好大機會係digital camera出現. 到時應該吾使攪咁多野.
因為果類野,hardware上同而家吾太分別,可能只係software上攪小小. 跟住原廠可能出埋個shooting kit落去把部機變到成部cam咁..不過最後攪吾攪都要睇間廠, 可能佢會驚相機打親自已個攝影機市場.
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註冊: 2009-03-25

題目Re: My New project, LCD Hood for Canon 5D-2 ,7D, Nikon D300s     Post time: 2 月 9 日

我反而覺得DSLR 拍片唔會走得咁快... 因為DV 性能唔係咁容易移植到...
依家好似好多人都滿意5d2 拍片... 講好多production都係用佢... 我就覺得3皮幾o野買部sony dv cam 會正好多... 唔駛部5d2 加到一舊二舊... 要我拍片做job 用dslr... 真係三五年內都未必會... =p
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