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註冊: 2012-09-03

題目Re: 請問各師兄依家個價買100D會唔會太遲,定等佢減左先買?     Post time: 9 月 2 日

S記部RX100 MarkIII 都要六仟啦。
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註冊: 2013-05-06

題目Re: 請問各師兄依家個價買100D會唔會太遲,定等佢減左先買?     Post time: 9 月 2 日

S記部RX100 MarkIII 那支等效 24-70mm F1.8-2.8 蔡司 Vario-Sonnar T* 超廣角大光圈鏡頭唔野少...........
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註冊: 2007-04-19

題目Re: 請問各師兄依家個價買100D會唔會太遲,定等佢減左先買?     Post time: 9 月 2 日

I have read at least 2 websites mentioned that RX100 III gives even better image quality than G1X II in terms of clarity even though the sensor size for RX100 is only halved in areas. I guess the lens Zeiss contributes a lot here.
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註冊: 2013-04-05

題目Re: 請問各師兄依家個價買100D會唔會太遲,定等佢減左先買?     Post time: 9 月 2 日

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註冊: 2005-08-20

題目Re: 請問各師兄依家個價買100D會唔會太遲,定等佢減左先買?     Post time: 9 月 3 日

h0001244 Ching,

I do agree the RX1 MkIII is slightly better PQ than canon G1X Mk II ( Personally A / B comparison indoor and outdoor for 2 weeks). I do like the pocket size of RX1 and hate the big lens of G1X as compact camera ( Canan, 你呃人。)

But I also visit my friend's DC repair center ( cannot disclose here). All RX100 series (Mk1, 2 & 3) had design problem on its zoom lens - zoom range control and flexible PCB. Instead of traditional sensor switch, RX100 uses magnet to detect the zoom range but it easily false triggers the end points due to the variation of magnets. It finally wear out the flexible PCB and it breaks till out of range.

I saw over 4x pcs RX1 ( mostly MKII) sitting there due to the same symptom - Zoom lens cannot retract after power on/ off and broken Flexible PCB.
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註冊: 2007-04-19

題目Re: 請問各師兄依家個價買100D會唔會太遲,定等佢減左先買?     Post time: 9 月 3 日

Oh.....my 葛

My friend just bought Rx100 II last week, luckily it was not my recommendation.
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註冊: 2012-09-03

題目Re: 請問各師兄依家個價買100D會唔會太遲,定等佢減左先買?     Post time: 9 月 3 日

幾位師兄: RX100 第一代我都用過大半年, 由於無EVF (年紀大有老花)而放咗.
部機的確好輕便, 畫質超越大部份DC, 但機身太細太滑, 每次用都好驚趺落地.
個電勳zoom鏡在取境時教難掌握, 如果改為手勳就好得多.
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