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註冊: 2005-04-21

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 24 日

New Hand Testing
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註冊: 2008-05-22

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 25 日

Marks hing,

你用50.2 影囝囝嘅時候, 通常會用咩對焦模式嘅呢?? 因為我用支S 50.4 影囝囝發覺要用"重點自動對焦"對住隻眼先可以完全合焦, 但用其他對焦模式就好似唔得......, 唔知咩問題?!

咁下下要個仔企定定......, 想好似你咁, 影到啲活動嘅相......
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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 25 日

For static shot:
I always use center point and then recompose in low light. In bright or good contrast condition, the outer AF point will work without problem. When need to use center point and if I have to put the subject to the side of the picture, I will step back a little bit after the focus lock on the center point and recompose (before shutter release), this will pull back the focus panel to the subject, of cos you need practice and this may not the best solution but I can get >80% keeper by doing this in low light.

For moving/ action child:
Use AI servo and all 9 points if for whole body shots, always try to keep the focus panel parallel to the head and body so you will get more chance for the head in focus. Keep pressing the AF-ON button on the back of the camera body so the AF ignitionwill not be interfered by the shutter release.
If tracking in head or head and shoulder shot (near MFD), use AI servo and single point AF, keep pressing the AF-ON button and keep aiming at the eye, there wil have a time lag on the focus movement, so you still need your eyes to watch if it is in focus or not, once you see it is in focus, fire immediately.
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註冊: 2008-05-22

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 25 日

Marks hing,

認真詳細, 感激~~感激~~~~
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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 25 日

you welcome!
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註冊: 2005-04-21

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 25 日


"For static shot:
I always use center point and then recompose in low light. In bright or good contrast condition, the outer AF point will work without problem. When need to use center point and if I have to put the subject to the side of the picture, I will step back a little bit after the focus lock on the center point and recompose (before shutter release), this will pull back the focus panel to the subject, of cos you need practice and this may not the best solution but I can get >80% keeper by doing this in low light."

Don't quite understand, What's mean by "Recompose"??? Many Thanks
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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 25 日

recompose - 重組構圖
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註冊: 2005-04-21

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 5 月 26 日

Thanks a lot!!!
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註冊: 2009-12-28

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 6 月 21 日

long time no see all ching.

hi marksman ching, i saw ur photos taken in laichikok park, i also go there quite often! maybe i'll say hi to u if i see u there some day (so easy to remember ur son's face, the popular model on this site! :D )
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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 6 月 21 日

You welcome jaegerlecoultre C Hing. Long time no talk, remember to say Hi to us when you recognise us ^_^
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註冊: 2007-12-25

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 6 月 22 日

" I will step back a little bit after the focus lock on the center point" -- 唔明?
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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 6 月 22 日

s82011190 C Hing, I meant to pull back the focus plane since the focus will only go further (become back focus) when you using center point AF and recompose.
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註冊: 2009-11-20

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 6 月 22 日

酒樓試用 custom WB

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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 6 月 22 日

Color is good.

Sometimes it is difficult to set the white balance when shooting indoor (or in DPP) there are always have different light sources at the same time that project to the people face.
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註冊: 2007-12-25

題目Re: 齊齊準備影 BB ! any idea??     Post time: 6 月 22 日

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