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註冊: 2005-11-05

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

yes ! if you think you are so good or clever than don't need to be here! if 17-35mm so good than Nikon don't need to release the 16-35mm to replace it. use your ass to think also know.

24-70mm for 1.5 for APSC sensor is always better than 28-70mm, don't miss leading people. Am I talking this 24-70mm is "best" OH ~ SORRY! you are blind people! i cannot blame you. some more if the motor 28-70 break down,
then who want to responsible to repair it . Nikon already stop production for repair kit, I share my experience just don't let people to follow my old step.this is wrong?

if you so respect people or so mature person then why you show to others your naked profile picture. you really make people sick.
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註冊: 2010-02-06

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

Sigh.. i feel sorry about your behavior and im-mature. End of conversation. I am not here to argue with jerk.
I guess all the C-hing here could agreed what i am talking about, i can tell from the previous comments.

dis-agree. Nothing called "the best"
comparing with 28-70, 24-70 may have sharper
image. But the color tone from 28-70 is cant be
given by 24-70. Different lens mate, you can called
it "newer" lens but not "the best" lens.

Correct. If there is a BEST lens, I want to know which??

dis-agree. Nothing called "the best"
comparing with 28-70, 24-70 may have sharper
image. But the color tone from 28-70 is cant be
given by 24-70. Different lens mate, you can called
it "newer" lens but not "the best" lens.
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註冊: 2002-12-22

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

算把啦 ... 你都係打番中文. 唔好再扮勁懶係用英文去寸人. 自己又冇料到, 文法又錯到盡.

... than don't need to be here! ... <- THEN 同 THAN 都唔識分?
... if 17-35mm so good than Nikon ... <--- 都唔知講乜
use your ass to think also know. <--- "to think also know" ????
... miss leading people ... <----- 你想講有位小姐帶位?
Am I talking this 24-70mm is "best" <--- 你唔知自己係咪講緊野?
... some more if the motor 28-70 break down <--- 都唔知講乜
... then who want to responsible to repair it <--- 都唔知講乜 x 2
if you so respect people or so mature person <--- 都唔知講乜 x 3

唯一一句我 appreciate, 鬧得唔錯, 係 "you really make people sick".

好陰公, 唔怪得香港人成日比人話英文差. 係好能差.
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註冊: 2010-02-06

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

SnoopyBee 師兄,算啦。。唔好再刺激佢。。。
But i really like this translation here...:
... miss leading people ... <----- 你想講有位小姐帶位?
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註冊: 2002-12-22

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

其實一句就知龍與鳳. 24mm/28mm, 講到底, 行後一兩步就得. 佢個目的想話比人知佢比得起錢... LOL. 要 wide, 學你話齋, 整多支 17-35 便是了.
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註冊: 2005-11-05

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

蛇鼠一窩! this is comment to both of you ! I am not going to reply !
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註冊: 2005-01-30

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

要行有保養全新粒米就 24-70

否則以相味道,28-70 未有後繼

但用上 DX 就兩支都吊頸
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註冊: 2008-10-29

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

Xplore... i haven't tried 28-70 before... what exactly do you mean by its "相味道" ?
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註冊: 2010-02-06

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

Si-motion 師兄
24-70 嘅數碼味太濃。。
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註冊: 2008-10-29

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

Thanks FreeMiLk hing.... hopefully one day i will get a 28-70 on hand and try
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註冊: 2010-02-06

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日

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註冊: 2005-01-30

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 25 日


某牌鏡皇全開光圈就鬆,Nikon 好多鏡都 sharp
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註冊: 2006-06-23

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 26 日

keithll CH, my Sigma 24-70 works well with my D300. Go to the Sigma CS & have a try. You won't be disappointed.

BTW, take it easy, all :)
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註冊: 2010-02-06

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 27 日

To C-hing above, I have had chances to try both Nikon 24-70, 28-70, Sigma 24-70. Finally, I made my choice on 28-70, simple because I love the color. 24-70 is sightly sharper, and Sigma....it's the worst among 3, the image come from sigma is soft, quite soft.
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註冊: 2005-01-30

題目Re: D300 Nikon AF-S 28-70 F2.8 好唔好?     Post time: 10 月 28 日

Sigma 果支只係早前吹捧揾人接火棒
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