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註冊: 2003-10-04

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日

For the time being, by looking at the two newly released N1 series camera, I cannot agreed that Nikon is sincere in making them. If the technic is not mature, then Nikon should hold up for a while and not in a rush to jump into the market and sell the not to standard camera and lenses. It is unfair to those Nikon fans who eager to buy Nikon products.

According to Ching, Nikon will improve and make better the system and lenses, it is a good job and they should do that. So, my opinion is just like mentioned above, Nikon should produce up to standard new models.

I think that i have critised too much, may be it is because 愛之愈深........
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註冊: 2009-03-24

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日

I am getting excited about thinking of hooking a LB6 on these two little babies with a 2.7 effect to shoot sports/wild animals while image quality can be still kept decent - it will turn the lense into 189-540mm with F2.8, OMG....Nikon, thank you for the new born!
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註冊: 2010-04-03

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日

(with a 2.7 effect to shoot sports/wild animals while image quality can be still kept decent - it will turn the lense into 189-540mm with F2.8, OMG....Nikon, thank you for the new born!)???
I can turn my 50mm f1.2 to 500mm still got f1.2 in my computer.
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註冊: 2009-03-30

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日




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註冊: 2003-01-21

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日

who will like to carry around the NEXes with bulky lenses to take daily pictures?
我都好認同你所講. 不過呢d都應該係將來既事.
呢一刻v1 j1, 仲有d鏡既size, 重量都真係睇唔到有咩優勢. 再加上cmos既size, 像素亦都比唔上人.
而且機身設計....個人覺得唔睇spec. 單睇個款都吸引唔到我買.
反而我覺得pentax q既定位比n1仲要清晰. pentax連d鏡都叫做'toy lens'--講到明係玩具, 唔係for fun係乜?? 但n1就....到底佢想點呀??!!
其實唔單止呢道好多ching都唔睇好(包括我), nr做既vote有成7x%都係話唔會買, 雖然網上既野唔可以盡信, 但打個8拆都超過50%, 所以真係......祝n記好運!!
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註冊: 2009-03-24

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日

The concept of portability in the future:
small lens + small sensor: only Nikon and Pentax (but N wins IQ here)
big lens + big sensor with small body: Sony
medium lens + medium sensor: Pan/Oly (4/3)
Nikon's lenses are not small enough now, but will in the future (as its sensor size allows more room), but no real hope for Sony to achieve it for sure. Pan/Oly can make effort, but in the long run they will lose as 4/3 sensor does not allow that capacity to be expanded unlimitedly.

The majority of the market goes to portability with decent IQ, and J1/V1 can be the only or/and a nice backup for a family, so the formula is clear now. Plus, if you go with Nikon for DSLR, your lenses will have much more to use just with an adapter. Except Canon and Nikon, who else in the market has so many choices of lenses? Not Sony for sure, neither Pan/Oly/Pen....In this sense, it's obviously very economical and nice indeed if you have the two complementary systems from Nikon!

Nikon never makes very fancy cuties like Sony, so for those who prefer very cute gadgets must go somewhere else. To me, I feel the two new borns are very sexy and cute indeed. Nikon's concept in designing the new neat and tiny system is just too smart and revolutionary. LOL...

I guess Canon will follow Nikon's footprint with a 3-3.5x sensor, probably - we will be able to see it soon.
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註冊: 2009-03-24

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日

By "The majority of the market", I mean non-prefessionals (nor semi-pro). Nikon targets at those who want just a bit more in terms of IQ but still portability is still the first priority. That's why so many Nikon fans are so disappointed, some of them are actually angry, about the new system which is actually NOT designed specifically for them, although the new system can be a nice backup at home for handy photographing/video-taping. If you think about the population worldwide at large, how small is this group like us who is waiting anxiously online for the news about a new model of DSRL? I would call this small group "the elite" of general photographers. It's fine, to Nikon, that 90% of this group don't vote for the new system.
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註冊: 2009-03-24

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 23 日

"I guess Canon will follow Nikon's footprint with a 3-3.5x sensor, probably - we will be able to see it soon."

Correction: 2.3-2.5x sensor.
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註冊: 2003-01-21

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 24 日

要有'將來', 首先要有'現在'
如果n記係第一個出呢類相機, 我相信要有'將來'會比較容易.
但以目前情況, 真係唔係咁樂觀lor.
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註冊: 2010-04-03

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 24 日

A guy bought a changeable lens camera,that means he already care the picture quality.But 2.7x.....?
I don't think the market will accept the changeable lens camera,the sensor smaller than 2x. (My opinion.)
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註冊: 2003-10-04

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 24 日

I have some Nikon lenses, including LB6. At present, with the help of adopter, my LB6 can also be used by a NX body, a 4/3 body. There no advantage of the N1 system in this case.
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註冊: 2003-01-21

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 24 日

I have some Nikon lenses, including LB6. At present, with the help of adopter, my LB6 can also be used by a NX body, a 4/3 body. There no advantage of the N1 system in this case.

據n記講, 部份fx/dx鏡裝上n1 system會有af, 甚至vr都一樣work, 我估'部份'應該係af-s鏡.
不過真係會有幾多人"隊"支lb6, 384呢類咁大碌既鏡落去呢?
自問就算買呢類相機, 我都多數係for snap, 多數都係配一支常用焦距變焦甚至定焦, 最好係餅鏡添, 愈細愈輕便就愈好.
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註冊: 2003-01-27

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 24 日

如果af準, 384當884用, ok喎
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註冊: 2010-02-02

題目「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 24 日

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註冊: 2004-04-07

題目Re: 「Nikon 1(ワン)」から、2機種「Nikon 1 J1」「Nikon 1 V1」を発売     Post time: 9 月 24 日

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