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乘坐飛機可以選坐「窗口位」或「走廊位」,但喜愛星攝的影友看過攝影師 Eric Wagner 的作品後,下次乘飛機時也可能會像 Eric 一樣,選擇「能看到銀河」的坐位。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Mid-Air Milky Way Magic Whenever I'm flying I do my best to get a seat facing the Milky Way. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I recently flew and the entire time we chased sunset and it was never dark enough to capture the Milky Way. Last night however, I was flying from Singapore to Australia. I set up my tripod and started shooting. It is the first time I was able to capture a shot of the Milky Way from a plane in the Southern Hemisphere. I had already gotten some decent shots to work with so I started shooting a series of 10 second exposures to work into a stacked photo. I was treated to a magnificent sight though as I shot. I'll let the photo speak for itself. The stars could have been a little sharper as there was slightly bouncing during the shot but overall I just love the shot. Canon 5D4 Sigma 14mm f1.8 ISO6400 10 second single image

Eric Wagner(@ericwagnerphoto)分享的貼文 於 張貼

話說去年 9 月,Eric Wagner 乘坐飛機從新加坡前往澳洲。他一如以往,事先查正資料,確保能坐到朝向銀河一邊的位置。由於已累積了一些經驗,所以他這次選用 10 秒曝光,並用上三腳架,連續拍了好些相片,以便在後製時可以藉著疊加相片,提高影片品質。


▲Eric Wagner 這張作品曾被美國太空總處(NASA)選為「每日一圖」。

Eric 表示,雖然他在飛機上已拍到過不少精彩照片,但這次是他第一次從南半球的飛機上拍到銀河照片。即使仔細看,影像還是有一點震動,但整體來說這次仍然是個難忘的經驗。此外,他又提到,大概有 1% 的網民還是堅決認為這張照片是 Photoshop 偽冒作品,因此他提供了當時的機背螢幕相片,以及一些拍攝「設定」以作證明,包括:Canon EOS 5D Mark IV 相機、Sigma 14mm f1.8 鏡頭、ISO 6400 感光度、10 秒曝光時間,而當中的重點相信是:他乘搭的是 Airbus A380 客機,並乘坐在商務客位。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

It’s basically 3 months to the day since I took this shot. 99% of people are complementary and love it. Then we have the 1% (or probably less) who think it’s faked or photoshopped or don’t understand how I could shoot 10 seconds without getting trailing stars from a plane. So here is the shot of the back of the camera. Yes it’s a single image Yes it’s not photoshopped Yes it’s really 10 seconds Yes It was on a tripod as I was in business class of an a380 Yes a380s have 2 windows so the frame in the shot is the outer window Yes you can shoot 10 second shots from a plane. The forward movement doesn’t impact star trails but turbulence and up and down movement does (I’ve had much better luck at 10 seconds with a 14mm than a 24mm) Yes it is a meteor not a satellite. NASA confirmed it was a bolide meteor.

Eric Wagner(@ericwagnerphoto)分享的貼文 於 張貼

影友可到 Instagram 及 Facebook 找到 Eric Wagner 的其他作品。

▲Eric Wagner 在 2016 年拍攝的作品。(Canon EOS-1DX Mark II、24mm、f/1.4、ISO 10000、1s)

▲Eric 在 2018 年拍攝的作品。(單張相片、ISO 6,400、15s、手持拍攝)


▲Eric 另一張極光照片,但因機翼的燈光太亮,效果不甚理想。(Canon EOS 5D Mark IV、24mm、f/1.4、ISO 3200、1.6s)


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