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註冊: 2008-09-08

題目單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 11 日

SONY A900其實係好唔底用.
4)24. 3sensor noise heavy


1)ovf 的錂鏡好舒服

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註冊: 2010-05-04

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 11 日


low iso - pq very good

High DR

actually A900 is not for Lazy user... but actually ... if i am not with so many canon lens... i will go for A900 or A850...

As my personal view, the picture quality is some what the same with 5D2...
Actually 5D2 is only ISO better than the A900 and with Video function as my personaly view... but it is a Camera...
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註冊: 2007-03-25

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 11 日


我又覺得不太差播,無可否認Sony 控制iso係差d,但起碼有自動蔡鏡用。都不是咁差,始終Sony都未算太成熟,好多野都是轉變中,所以下一部FF都應該不錯。

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註冊: 2009-07-08

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 11 日

用去你嘅 5DII 啦!
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Clarence Tsang

註冊: 2007-08-16

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 12 日

- A900大pixel裁相空間大
- 影像細緻
- 機身防震
- 連拍速度優於5DII
- 100%視野的OVF
- 唯一可用優質自動蔡鏡


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註冊: 2002-03-08

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 12 日

4個不滿﹐ 無一個影響攝影。

買相機﹐ 你都係想影張好相~
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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 13 日

Camera is something about quality and reliability.
A900 is so good on both.
Canon 5D series are just a big boy toy,
It is something that I never trust.
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註冊: 2010-05-04

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 13 日

5D is with quality and reliability too...
i have both and never breakdown...
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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 13 日

Just wonder that why use 1 Canon system and 1 Sony system?

I've 2 135 camera bodies too, but I'm using the same brand; so 1 set of lens is enough to do job. I keep this practise for many years.
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註冊: 2010-05-04

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 14 日

A lot of people are using 2 systems...

lots of reason...
1) For Fun
2) Different system also has their advantages... otherwise everyone is using the same system... for example... my friend is using Nikon for all the job with a lot of flash... and using Canon for sport... and Nex for fun... worth to buy so many system is only depends on how much money you have and what your value really is... in a Economic term call "Utility"

For me, i am Minolta user before as my family have some old old Minolta lens... and so I buy an A350 as my first DSLR... and as those lens are gone with my brother to somewhere else...

I move to 5D2 and canon lens... and works fine for me... and also the 5D2 + lens has somewhat reliable rain and snow resistant... A900 has... but the 24-70 not...

But now, I am using Canon and Nex... and honestly speaking... the 5D3 has super imaging quality and good performance... but i am using my Nex7 for 85% of the time for daily use...
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註冊: 2010-05-04

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 14 日

For most people using camera to make money usually using one system... and hard to change... as they usually invested a lot in one system and they usually work for a specific field and cost also calculated in it...

but for people using camera for fun... it is a different story... they enjoy trying something new...

And for a more extreme cases like my friend, he is doing something really specific... which several system can actually help him to save some time and his job income can well cover the extra cost of owning several system's Deprecation...
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註冊: 2004-04-07

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 14 日


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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 14 日

Thanks for sharing JasonMan117.

Yes, I use one system only because of equipment weight, storage place, & job cost recovery. The equipment costs should be covered by jobs.

For 135 format, my A900 serves for studio works & something serious, A77 for outdoor jobs, & a KM Dynax 7D for leisures. My first camera is Minolta Hi-matics 7s, then I used to own over 5 Minolta s since then; I've tried to use Canon F1 (old), EOS630, & Nikon F2s, FM, F4s.

I like Minolta cameras & lens so much, and I like Minolta's philso. that "cheap camera body but high quality lens". I have to if Sony changed too far from Minolta's tradition, I will choose Nikon instead. I personally can hardly accept Canon's style; I like very sharp images & very saturated colour.
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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 14 日

Yes, 小小生; "但都有好多人買左,好滿意" that's including me!

To "NickP"
1. I'm a photograher, not a video cam man, I don't need video taking function;
2. Big pixels for croping on publishing purposes;
3. No video taking, so live view is not necessary;
4. I use only ISO 200-400 with my A900, the noise is fine;
5. it is well known fact that, the prime of design of Minolta is the best (in term of brightness;
6. "夠揸手" is very personal I think; and
7. I you think the 5D is "造工好", then I wondered that have you used the A900...

Anyway, 小小生 is right "唔滿意你就唔好買囉,有乜好討論?"
But I'm happy to learn what you think.
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註冊: 2008-10-16

題目Re: 單純討論,唔好叫我轉會     Post time: 5 月 18 日

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