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Sony 單反討論區
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註冊: 2006-03-04

題目7 支SONY 新鏡路線圖     Post time: 7 月 11 日

Several days ago, rumors from SAR said that Sony will update their FE lens roadmap with 6 new FE lenses in late this week or early next week, most readers take this just a rumor. Now, we are now 100% sure Sony will release 7 more new FE lenses within next 8 months (Before end of Spring, 2016). Update: Most readers think that we are just making a new rumor based on SAR rumor last several days ago, we heared this confirmation of 7 new FE lenses is from a Sony Tester, and he is told by Sony mananger about this news, so this is not the same rumor as SAR.

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