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註冊: 2009-04-25

題目Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 battery charge     Post time: 4 月 6 日

I forgot to bring my battery charger for my Note 10.1 but only have the cable with me. I realise the battery could not be charged when connect to other mobile phone charger or with my PC & labtop. Any solution?
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註冊: 2011-04-17

題目Re: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 battery charge     Post time: 4 月 7 日

It still can charging with red 'x' , but very very slow ... even thus using 2A USB charger. The samsung notes 10.1 charger has special IC inside, so the best solution is buy another offical charger from Samsung.
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註冊: 2009-04-25

題目Re: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 battery charge     Post time: 4 月 19 日

Tried everything, use red "X", after market charger for IPad, factory made charger for IPad. All no good (extremely slow)

Finally I have my Samsung charger, reallised that it is 2.5A instead of 2A.

Try to get a spare factory made charger, cost $300...

Does anyone know is there any after market 2.5A charger available?
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