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註冊: 2016-03-17

題目[兼職] HomeAway Asia 招聘 Freelance 公寓室內攝影師     Post time: 3 月 18 日

Dear All,

HomeAway Asia/TravelMob is scouting for interior photographers in Singapore, as we are now embarking to help our host to showcase the charm of their beautiful homes to the guests.

You will be working with the sales team and hosts to take photos of their homes. You also have to do the necessary editing and following up with the hosts. Assignments are posted online and you are given the autonomy to arrange your schedule and contact the host at your own time.

You will be expected to have your own equipment such as cameras, lenses, lighting, software for editing and etc. In addition, assignments cover a localized region and might require you to travel within a few miles radius of your location. Resources and support is provided to cover your needs, such as travel expenses and request that aids you to work better.

Applicants with background and/or experience on interior, architectural, neighborhood photography are preferred. We also consider applicants who have in their portfolio demonstrated technical expertise, creativity and composition skills. Applicants will also have to be able to meet datelines, have good communication and people skills.

We provide a competitive salary and benefit package.
Salary will be based on per consignment basis

Do drop your resume and portfolio to me at ppang@homeaway.com if you are keen and we will contact you if you are short-listed. Thank you for your patience.

本公司主要從事度假旅遊業, 是亞洲的一個社群旅遊訂房平台.HomeAway現誠聘 Freelance 攝影師,需具相關工作經驗. 工作量長期有單,有單就開工.

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