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註冊: 2010-01-28

題目Model for a test photo shoot     Post time: 3 月 9 日

We are going to do a test shoot for 4 hours and need a good looking model for it. (If you send me an email I can send an example of the image we need for your reference.)

We are going to work with a great foreign photographer. You will get to keep the great photos for your portfolio as well.

We are scheduled on March 15th but if you are interested but not available that day we can reschedule. You will need to dress yourselves. We will have a makeup artist there for hair and makeup. The location has still not been selected but will let you know as soon as confirmed.

If possible please send me your photos for reference. Price is HKD100-200 per hour negotiable. Please send me email at isabel.siu@me.com ASAP.

Thank you!
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