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註冊: 2009-12-21

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日

No sample pictures yet but 14 fps does sound good,

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註冊: 2008-08-12

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日



我相信再樓上的C-Hing的意思是, 像素並非一切, 看一台相機, 還須看整體Performance, 包括連拍速度, Image quality, 機動性, 和現實的將貨就價的問題.
這和C-Hing你的理解, 應該沒有兩樣.
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註冊: 2006-11-07

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日


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註冊: 2009-10-17

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日

類似問題係SSWis同SWII,大一級光圈值唔值8K一樣囉!但最終我又係買SWII ... 用家取捨,市場調節囉 ...
Digic V究竟有幾巴閉?效能係咪真係比Digic IV高咁多?既然高咁多,又點解要用像數就速度?定係 ... 太多未有答案寲問!
但師兄們總唔會因為價錢,而改買兩部同樣擁有Digic V技術XS40掛?十分一價錢,同樣係兩粒Digic V,兼有兩個body,兩組鏡頭,可以同老婆一人一部!但科技好似唔係咁計~
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註冊: 2009-10-17

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日

typing mistake ... 係「疑問」
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註冊: 2008-09-30

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日


呢d就叫做 value, 但其實抵買過手袋好多啦, 一個 hermxx 手袋十幾廿萬, 幾塊皮
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註冊: 2003-01-21

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日

雖然我係用n, 但見部1dx真係好有誠意.
1DX好明顯係一部'搵食機', 睇連拍同iso都知.
要消閑都係等5d? la
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註冊: 2008-11-24

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日


New toy come out, should buy one test test :-)

Any info. on the dynamic range, color depth, noise, ...... etc These are very importand aspect for picture quality

Just hope if the PQ can compete with those 645 or 69 film. The D3X or 5D2 now are not even close (except resolution)
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註冊: 2004-03-24

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日


當1Ds3都仲賣緊$49800嘅時候,如果佢一出真係賣$60000樓下我又覺得都算係抵食夾大件吖!又FF又14fps又dual digic 5 + 1x digic 4. 我最concern反而係佢個gapless microlens,如果真係佢講到咁堅,咁個高iso同dynamic range都應該幾恐怖...(呢樣就要等埋1:1sample先有定案喇)


買得呢個級數嘅機冇理由連自己要d乜都唔知掛!下下要曬棉胎就自自然然會去買數背啦,相對地你又唔會托部phase one去打雀掛?

原大相都未見到張但係又challenge新機個gapless microlens唔得,跟手又話對家3600萬像點點點...見左街喇咩?買spec定買質素定買品牌呀師兄?連最基本個color profile都唔同,比咩啫......
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註冊: 2010-06-27

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日

我好明白咁多位ching既心情. 未正式公佈新機時, 我已聽聞只有1800M pixel. 心裏真是不是味兒. 一心憧憬3層layer cmos 最後都落空.

不過大家除了著重像素之外, 有無留意其他地方有咩改進呢?

我睇左十二頁既官方報告. 細心列出以下咁多點. 肯定無包括全部新功能. 但都已經有36點.
好難話canon無誠意. 尤其是自動對焦. 今次可能會比nikon做得好.
如果你都係要話像素等於一切, 咁玩8000MP 中片幅可能更直接.

1. +/- 5 Stop Exposure Compensation.
[7D 已經有但FF機首見]
2. 55ms shutter lag, 36ms via ‘Shortened Release Lag' Custom Function
[D3s:43ms, D3x:40ms, 1Ds3:40ms, 1d4:40ms]
3. for silent adjustment of various settings during video recording, 1dx features a new silent control function which is a capacitive touch-pad
4. The new photodiode construction has resulted in an improved photoelectric conversion rate that gives increased light sensitivity.
5. It is the first time that gapless microlenses have been employed on a Canon full-frame sensor (7D己經有)
6. wider dynamic range
7. The camera uses a two-motor system with dedicated motors to drive both the mirror and shutter at high speed. These motors generate high torque forces to drive a short distance gear system that helps to minimise energy loss.
8. To ensure high-precision AF, the mirror and sub-mirror are arrested by an absorption mechanism with four stoppers to reduce rebound and vibration during operation. This system also helps to ensure a stable viewfinder image, even when shooting at 12fps. [其實1ds3比1ds2既震動大, 所以有時相片模糊係因為快門震動造成. 似乎新機有改善]
9. Compared to the regular DIGIC 5 processor, the DIGIC 5+ offers three times faster performance when processing images.
10. two stop gain in ISO performance over 1D4 (51,200)
11. unlike 1D4, enabling "High ISO noise reduction" to strong won't slow down the frame rate.
12. Multiple explosure with Additive/Average/Bright/Dark blending allowing two up to nine images.
[好期待呢個feature. ]
13. Peripheral Illumination Correction & Chromatic Aberration Correction (removes colour fringing and halos around high contrast edges)
[舊鏡紫邊問題即時解決. (e.g. 85L) 拍片都有呢個改正功能. 好!]
14. EOS intelligent Subject Analysis System - analysis of scene based on color, brightness, motion, contrast or distance information.
15. Detect the scene and adjust [WB], [PS], [Exp] and [ALO].
16. Add [Auto] to Picture style switching PS based on EOS iSA. Useful for general shooting, nature, landscape and those taken at sunset.
17. [ALO] is improved over 1D4 for better result taken at sunset.
18. More accurate auto WB due to EOS iSA. (more nature looking on skin and sunset)
19. native ISO 100-51200, extended 50, 204800
20. New predictive AF system. It may fail with erratically moving object.
21. To improve AF, data is collected from the 61-point AF sensor, AUTO exposure sensor, AF correction light-source detect sensor and with certain lenses, a panning detection gyro sensor.
22. Simplified AF setting menu putting all AF-related features into one page
23. Acceleration/deceleration sensitivity in AF menu.
24. Auto AF switching sensitivity where it allows the adjustment of the speed at which the AF points are changed to trace a subject moving across the frame.
25. 61 AF points, 41 cross-type points, 5 dual cross-type point (as seen on the central AF point of 7D)
26. Focus with single center AF point with an f/2.8 lens in light level of EV-2 (same amount of light under full moon). [1d4: EV-1]
27. new AI servo AF III has been design and improved in following ways.
o shorten the warm-up period for tracking object.
o as seen in 7D, 1dx features the light source detection which alleviate the impact of chromatic aberration. It adjusts for any potential CA by determine how much red/green or blue/green light there is in a scene.
o focusing during panning with a built-in 2 axis gyro sensor. [The gyro sensor in Mark II tele lens would be used instead if present]
o Track object in conjunction of both contrast and color and automatically select the most appropriate focus point given the position of the subject within the frame.
o Support face detection and face tracking. The correct face can be manually focused initially and tracked in the case of multiple faces.
28. Stronger shutter blade coated with carbon fiber.
29. Sub-mirror is modified from an elliptical shape, as found in 1d4, to a flat surface in order to provider higher AF stability.
30. 6 predefined AF preset with fine adjustment thereafter to further tweak of performance.
31. AF microadjustment with each end in zoom lenses.
32. 10k-pixel metering sensor divides the frame into 252 zones or 35 zones in low ambient light conditions. The 256 metering zone is also used for flash metering for more precise subject location based on pre-flash readings.
33. The metering sensor also recognizes color to facilitate AF system for the object tracking, Face detection and Auto Scene detection. The sensor is especially aware of green and yellow as these colors can adversely affect the exposure reading and cause over-exposure or under-exposure respectively.
34. Both the color and face detection system is also used in the E-TTL II flash metering algorithm.
35. Audio levels can be controlled manually, as found on the EOS 60D and EOS 5D Mark II, and the ISO range for movie shooting runs from ISO 100 to 51,200.
36. Compared to the LCD viewfinder in 7d, the one in 1dx is more suitable for harsher environment (e.g. below 0 C) and it consumes less power.
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註冊: 2011-01-11

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 20 日

可能 iso 要上到 51200, pixel 要少一點來降低noise.

7D 上到18M pixel 便出了問題, 高noise.
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註冊: 2006-02-10

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 21 日

is mean from n 12mp ff to c 18mp ff

actually i mean 18mp for a fast machine is very good
and better than d3s
becasue in nikon fans aways say they love lower pixel
this is because nikon still do not have power to release cheap machine that
with high pixel that with good pq
i aways prefer higher pixel that is 18mp or higher
for a real film camera about or near 20mp is very good pq same like a real film of 135

nikon low level camera like d3100 d5100 d7000
all have a very strong noise filter that total filt all the noise and detail
it make the picture look very smooth but this is not a good idea
that make all the picture lose very much detail and like a paint job
if you use nikon low level machine for raw you will see the noise is very very serious

so if a fast machine that is about 18mp for ff is very excellence
i think canon have the power to make a ff cmos with 18mp
can do high iso with great dynamtic range and noise controll
canon do very good noise controll when 5d2 that the camera is over 20mp
(a900 a850 d3x is not good iso controll than 5d2)

if need high pixel not for 1dx is for 1ds4

18mp is very good for many reporter to take photo
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註冊: 2006-02-10

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 21 日

if really nikon have a fast machine like 18mp or higher
will can not keep the succes like d3 or d3s

the pq i think is worst than 1dx
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註冊: 2009-11-09

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 21 日

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註冊: 2011-03-16

題目Re: CANON EOS 1DX     Post time: 10 月 21 日

好多謝"heyboy02hk"師兄咁細心睇左官方報告然後列出重點. 同埋你真係了解有些師兄失望的原因. 因為好難相信以Canon的實力真的有困難在高像素和noise之間取得平衡, 並不是單單追求高像素的問題, 而係Canon的動機, 正如你所講, 是有無誠意, 到底是技術困難問題, 還是當我地是lulu的問題. 好簡單, 當攝影由菲林進入數碼時代, 果陣時係10幾萬像素, 一直進步到現在的2千幾3千萬像素, 如果追求像素是錯的, 就唔會有咁大的進步. 你點列出果36點, 當然有好多點是好多Canon躉所其待, 例如multiple exposure, 61點對焦點等, 但一部相機, 最重要的, 還是相片質素的問題!
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