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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

To ivanivan05:

有幾個方面去睇,我見好多香港既 Samples,拍攝時既快門時間好慢 (我估計係當時人唔係太識影相,無計算到個快門時間),就算有防震功能都無用,由於相機震動既關係,所以 D 相會有"鬆" 既情況;就算係外國多個網站評價,都係話 EP-1 既 CCD 表現係歷黎 Olympus 最好既一部 (甚至超越 E-3 / E-620):

Steve's Olympus EP-1 Conclusion

「I was very pleased with the image quality from the E-P1's 12.3-megapixel Live MOS imager and TruePic V imager processor. While shooting outdoors, the E-P1 was able to capture tac sharp images, that showed pleasing contrast and color saturation. Exposure was good most of the time, however we did have several instances where some images were a bit strong, with several blown out highlights. We used either iAuto or Program mode for most of our shooting, both of which produced great results. iAuto was able to quickly recognize the scene being shot, adjusting the camera settings to ensure optimal results. The E-P1 also handles noise quite well, which is a relief considering the camera does not offer a built-in flash. Noise levels are very good at the lower ISO settings, and the camera keeps speckling under control all the way up to about ISO 800, where you will start to see small traces in dark shadow areas when viewing at 100%. ISO 1600 and even 2000 still look very usable for 8x10-inch or larger prints, however once you reach ISO 3200, there is heavy speckling along with some detail and saturation loss. While the highest ISO settings may not be what I consider usable, the E-P1 still offers great High ISO performance that is equal to many entry-level dSLRs currently on the market. 」
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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

Photography Blog's Olympus E-P1 Review

「During the review, the Olympus E-P1 produced photos of excellent quality. Noise is very well-handled, being virtually absent from ISO 100-800 and not being too obvious at the relatively fast speed of ISO 1600. At the fastest settings of ISO 3200 and 6400, noise is easily detectable when viewing images at 100% magnification on screen, but the images are still perfectly usable for small prints and resizing for web use.

Colours were vibrant without being over-saturated in the default Natural picture mode, and you can always choose Vivid if you want even more punch. Shadow Adjustment Technology helps make the most out of the shadows in a high-contrast scene, so you can safely expose for the highlights. The art filters quickly produce special effects that would otherwise require you to spend a lot of time in the digital darkroom, while the picture modes provide a quick and easy way to tweak the camera's JPEG images.」
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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

我放工去攞機,今晚返 D Samples 出黎先!
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註冊: 2009-07-09

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

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註冊: 2009-03-13

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

Actually, is there any stock for EP1 right now?
Do i still need to pre-order?
Since i find many ching can walk-in to buy it in some large retail shops, especially in some unpopular places for electronics devices, such as citysxper.... ~
cos i wanna purchase it at around next weekend...~~i am planning whether i need to pre-order or walk-in to buy......~~~
Since u know sometimes(just i guess) maybe u have pre-ordered one set, this set perhaps is the worst set (for different aspects,e.g LCD problem, dirty appearance with dust) since many walk-in customers will choose from different sets including yours........so i am afraid that the one i hv pre-ordered is just the "remainder"..........
do u understand what i mean......hahhaa...so difficult to explain in english but i can't type chinese.....~~sorry~~
but anyway, still hv sufficient stocks? or still need to wait? or pre-order?
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註冊: 2009-03-13

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

to zeusho
ching...which kit set hv you got?enjoying it?
how's feeling?
how much and where to buy?
how long time do u need to wait after u pre-order ?
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註冊: 2003-07-27

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

to zeusho
very 期待你的相 x2
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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

To ivaivan05 & dtmfok:

剛返到屋企,等攪掂少少野,之後影相 Post 上黎!
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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 15 日

To 茶水亞四:

入咗銀機黑鏡 (14-42mm) + 專用閃燈呀!
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註冊: 2008-09-25

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 16 日

因為我真係諗住買, 個sales先開部新既俾我試.
啲色...感覺唔舒服, 唔自然...完全唔夠sharp...間舖幾光猛. 無理由係咁既色
sales話始終唔係單反. 呢個我都理解. 但完全接受唔到...
如果係咁買G1好過 :(
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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 16 日

EP1 + 14-42 Testing:

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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 16 日

「啲色...感覺唔舒服, 唔自然...完全唔夠sharp...間舖幾光猛. 無理由係咁既色

吓?你有無 Check 過 Setting 呀?D 色唔自然?真係唔多覺!而且你既講法有少少問題,大機 1/25 秒 當然唔會手震啦,原因為大機重,一般我識好多師父,1/2 至 1/3秒都唔會手震…

「sales話始終唔係單反. 呢個我都理解. 但完全接受唔到...
如果係咁買G1好過 :( 」

坦白講,我真係懷疑個 Sale 玩你…攪過 D Setting…
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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 16 日

Anyway,講返上邊既 Sample 先,因為無乜時間要訓,所以 Snapshot 住幾張先,所有 Setting 為 Vivid Default,由於係屋企影到 D 乜,影會會出街影吓!
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註冊: 2003-09-06

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 16 日

To ivanivan05:

不如你睇埋我聽日既 Samples 先決定買與唔買…
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註冊: 2008-09-25

題目Re: 對EP1有少少失望.......     Post time: 7 月 16 日

我好唔好意思咁試左好耐. 因為真係諗住買.
我自己試過用MANUAL, 又叫過個SALES幫手影兩張...
既然唔係自己杯茶就無謂自己啦...只好暗暗地同個SALES SAY多次SORRY...
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