- Vivid in colour. (I set the colour mode to Normal because I am a Minolta feel, but sometimes set the colour mode to Normal+ for the people who loves the DC feel. )
- Colour saturation is high but not over.
- Sharp and the contrast is normal. (not like the 'N' brand lens which use high contrast to bring the feel of sharpness)
- CZ design and feels good. ( you just can't stop taking pictures with it. )
- Too heavy. ( due to the glassess and metal -- it is expected )
- Darkening corners when using 'thick' filters. (should be careful when approaching the 16mm end )
- Made in Japan ( but if it is made in Germany, I think the price will be much higher)
Have been using this lens for about half a year with my KM D5D which was brought more than 3 years ago.
The lens is very good and worth the price.
A must have for alpha mount body owners.
Just love it !!!