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Flickr 2015 年度最受歡迎的 25 張攝影作品
發表: Fillens  分章分類: 搜 ‧ 影  發表時間: 2015-12-08 12:00:00

2015 年已來到最後一個月,世界知名的攝影分享平台 Flickr 最近就公佈了本年度最受歡迎的 25 幀優秀作品名單。Flickr 是根據作品的瀏覽量、收藏數目等數據,選出最引人入勝的 25 張作品以獲得「Flickr's Top-25 Photos in 2015」美譽。

Joshua Tree and Milky Way Panorama by Wayne Pinkston

此外,Flickr 還公佈了一些有趣的統計數字。他們用戶上傳的作品中,以 Nikon D 系列相機拍攝的佔 16%,另外 27% 則以 Canon EOS 系列相機拍攝,而佔比例最多的,竟然是以 iphone 拍攝的作品,佔 42%。

gooseherd by Iwona Podlasinska



Typical Dutch! by Albert Dros

Sunrise on the Lavender Fields in Valensole in Provence by Loïc Lagarde

Moon and Galaxy, Mountain Hehuan by Vincent Ting

Morning Mood by Marie Lalanne Manzor

Keep staring by David Olkarny

Into the light by Tammy Schild

Above the Skyline by Mostafa Hamad

Stormy Porthcawl by Steve Garrington

*** by Elena Shumilova

CRS-4 by SpaceX Photos


Vanishing Point by Carolyn Eaton

morning hour by Theodor Hensolt

Myanmar by luke taylor

The way for Paris by Vincent Bourilhon

Sunrise on the Lavender Fields in Valensole in Provence

Sunrise on the Lavender Fields in Valensole in Provence by Loïc Lagarde

The Game by Max Gor

Cute by Ray Jennings

The fisherman is waiting for summer by Christophe Brutel

BORGO INCANTATO by Daniele Romagnoli

Axelle by sebanado

Magical light by George Probst

OM-D E-M5II by Thomas Leuthard



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