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註冊: 2004-01-14

題目SECOND HAND D90/D300     Post time: 2 月 17 日

Dear sisters and brothers..

My 8 years off D70 is finally dying always have CHA error.. a typical common error at D70 and meaningless to repair...

Since my wallet is dying too... only 2nd hand can be considered.

Except the Kit lens N18-70. I also have SB-800, N50.8, LB2 and T12-24 and they require motor driven. Therefore D3100 or D5100 are out of considerationj.

How is SECOND HAND D90/D300. They are now costing at around 5k in second hand market on web. Are they reliable, any common error and will they die soon.

I am taking 500sc per month consistently for speaking function and travelling. T12-240, LB2 and SB800 are my best friend on the mounting.

Any comment on D90/D300. Please help me to choose....
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註冊: 2009-07-19

題目Re: SECOND HAND D90/D300     Post time: 2 月 18 日

my D70 is also 8 age year ago ! Still work and perfect condition .
how many SC now ? over 50,000 SC 未呀?
點error 法呀?

I suggest D90 with lighter body and 拍片!!
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註冊: 2004-01-14

題目Re: SECOND HAND D90/D300     Post time: 2 月 18 日

My D70 SC is around 40000 - 50000. It is seldom used.

The body condition is still good but there is problem on CF card slot.

Sometime the body cannot detect the card suddenly during shooting (CHA, not format) or photo in the card is lost and cannot be recovered.

This problem still exist after i spray cleaning solvent inside card slot, open the case, re-plug the card reader flex cable
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註冊: 2009-07-23

題目Re: SECOND HAND D90/D300     Post time: 2 月 18 日

maybe try to repair the CF card ,i guess it's not cost too much and sell it out !!
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註冊: 2004-09-19

題目Re: SECOND HAND D90/D300     Post time: 2 月 21 日

D300 CF card 順利過渡
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註冊: 2011-02-17

題目Re: SECOND HAND D90/D300     Post time: 2 月 21 日

buy D90 2nd hand $4500, new $6xxx
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