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註冊: 2008-09-13

題目Multiple Exposure     Post time: 11 月 2 日

Can anyone teach me how to take Multiple Exposure shots?
I am using Canon EOS 70D.

e.g. for taking 2 shots, between shot 1 and shot 2,
after shot 1, can I change the setting for shot 2?

Which is a good location for me to try taking Multiple Exposure shots?

Thank you for your help.
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註冊: 2013-05-06

題目Re: Multiple Exposure     Post time: 11 月 2 日

Yes, you can change the setting for shot 2.

Anywhere can take multiple exposure shots up to your photography theme.
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註冊: 2008-09-13

題目Multiple Exposure     Post time: 11 月 12 日

OK, I will try, many thanks.
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