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註冊: 2010-10-19

題目Canon 60D + Canon 580 ex II     Post time: 11 月 26 日

Hi all,

I just purchased a Canon 580 ex II for my Canon 60D. Basically, I know nothing and I don't even know how the fun part for my Canon 580 ex II with my 60D. I just tested wireless works and external flash works.

Could you keep me some hint for starting my interest for this high end flash? What effects can make me notice it is fun?

Thanks for your help!
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註冊: 2010-07-22

題目Re: Canon 60D + Canon 580 ex II     Post time: 11 月 26 日

You may join a photo course for flash or just buy some Taiwan books to help. Time is needed to spend on hobby you like.
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註冊: 2010-12-12

題目Re: Canon 60D + Canon 580 ex II     Post time: 11 月 26 日

try to go shooting kung fu photos with 580II頻閃
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