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註冊: 2009-08-11

題目5D mark3 閃光燈請教....(想配EX270)     Post time: 8 月 10 日

ching..mark3 無閃光, 想聽下大家建議後買閃光燈:
小弟用閃希望輕便, 外出用時真係好有需要時才用...
心目中諗EX 270..不過唔知用係mark3 到得唔得...擔心表現會好差
唔知各位有冇高見同其他建議? thx
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註冊: 2005-08-20

題目Re: 5D mark3 閃光燈請教....(想配EX270)     Post time: 8 月 10 日

I am using 270EXII ( not 270EX) with my 5D3.

Perfect to carry and use for dim place, working fine with my 50 /1.4 and 17-40 at night for indoor or outdoor. I've even used it for company dinning events in ball room ( about 2,000 sq. ft area ).

And with my 580EXII, it works as a back light (飛燈) for indoor or outdoor too..

Comparing with my 580EXII (or 430EX or 320EX), I feel the only draw back is 270EXII cannot rotate lift and right for portrait photos (so no up and down tilt for bounce light).
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註冊: 2011-07-18

題目Re: 5D mark3 閃光燈請教....(想配EX270)     Post time: 8 月 10 日

EX 270 售價大約九百,GN數值太低,加多幾舊買支美斯好過。
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註冊: 2009-08-11

題目Re: 5D mark3 閃光燈請教....(想配EX270)     Post time: 8 月 10 日

thx 各位...
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