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註冊: 2012-09-06

題目支援AF-D的鏡頭     Post time: 2 月 26 日

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Clarence Tsang

註冊: 2007-08-16

題目Re: 支援AF-D的鏡頭     Post time: 2 月 28 日

Sony 16-35 F2.8 ZA SSM, 24-70mm F2.8 ZA SSM, 28-75mm F2.8 SAM, 50mm F1.4, 300mm F2.8 G SSM II, 70-200mm F2.8 I & II, 70-400mm F4-5.6 G SSM I & II, 500mm F4.0 G.

There may be more which I am not aware of.
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註冊: 2012-09-06

題目Re: 支援AF-D的鏡頭     Post time: 3 月 3 日

Thanks for Clarence Tsang adviced the list of AF-D lens. I bought a "50mm f1.4 ZA SSM" but not support the function of AF-D of the A-99 body. You memtioned "50mm f1.4" as the lens without SSM model?
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Clarence Tsang

註冊: 2007-08-16

題目Re: 支援AF-D的鏡頭     Post time: 3 月 4 日

Yes. But I do think that Sony will upgrade the firmware to include the SSM one.
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