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註冊: 2008-01-20

題目2.8/16-50 SSM 請師兄幫忙看看支鏡發生什麽事?     Post time: 4 月 15 日

天空多了很多黑點 http://1drv.ms/1iTqute
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註冊: 2005-01-18

題目Re: 2.8/16-50 SSM 請師兄幫忙看看支鏡發生什麽事?     Post time: 4 月 15 日

dust on cmos
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註冊: 2007-10-01

題目Re: 2.8/16-50 SSM 請師兄幫忙看看支鏡發生什麽事?     Post time: 4 月 16 日

dust on cmos, protective lens or lens
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Clarence Tsang

註冊: 2007-08-16

題目Re: 2.8/16-50 SSM 請師兄幫忙看看支鏡發生什麽事?     Post time: 4 月 22 日

Try different apertures to see the difference. If no difference, the dust is on sensor, if there is less and more on different apertures, then it's on the lens (protective lens or the lens itself). Clean the protective lens, front and rear lens. If the condition remains the same, the lens has to be cleaned by technicians.
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