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註冊: 2006-04-25

題目請教     Post time: 11 月 2 日

QX1 or QX100邊售好,分別在哪 ? Thanks!
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Clarence Tsang

註冊: 2007-08-16

題目Re: 請教     Post time: 11 月 10 日

QX1 is an e-mount smartphone camera which is lens interchangeable. You can mount in any e-mount lenses or other lenses with adapters. QX100 is a smartphone camera with built-in zoon lens. They are very different cameras which basically cannot be compared together.

What I can say is that the former allows you more flexibility and better picture quality (using APS-C sensor), while the latter gives you convenience and less burden (smaller size and light weight).
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註冊: 2006-04-25

題目Re: 請教     Post time: 11 月 14 日

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