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註冊: 2005-11-26

題目E-P5用家注意!Olympus Japan對有關快門震動的回應     Post time: 4 月 8 日

大家都趕快send個email去,或者會加快E-P5 firmware update
Olympus Japan回覆我的email:

Thank you for your e-mail regarding our product.

We apologize for any inconvenience for the blurred/shaken images at certain shutter speeds.

As you know "anti-shock 0sec" for E-M1 has been updated and we believe that this update can help to resolve the shutter shock issue you mentioned.

At this point, there are no firmware updates for E-P5 to resolve the shutter shock issue.

However, we are planning to update the firmware for E-P5 similar to "anti-shock 0sec" as well. Please wait for the update to be
released for a while.

We are sorry but we are not able to tell you when the update will be released at this point. Please check Olympus homepage from time to time for the latest information of firmware.

We appreciated your kind cooperation and understanding,
looking forward to see your satisfaction on our service and product.

Best regards,

Customer Support Center

-------------------Original message follows------------------------
I am a E-P5 user, I am very concerned about the shutte shock issue. Many digital camera review websites (eg. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/olympus-pen-e-p5/13) showing that the camera E-P5 have the shutter shock issue(similar to E-M1 does), unusually prone to blurred/shaken images at certain shutter speeds (around 1/60 - 1/250sec).
This issue is really occured in my personal experience and made me frustrated to use this camera. Will you go to release a new firmware for E-P5(like E-M1, anti-shock 0sec) or any solutions to solve the problem before thousands of user complained?
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註冊: 2002-11-04

題目Re: E-P5用家注意!Olympus Japan對有關快門震動的回應     Post time: 4 月 30 日

ching 用英文寫都回你咁好,以前要用日文SEND去先肯SO我。
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註冊: 2002-10-08

題目Re: E-P5用家注意!Olympus Japan對有關快門震動的回應     Post time: 5 月 22 日

Interestingly, I use Pen Mini 2, and don't experience such bad shutter shock.
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註冊: 2014-05-21

題目Re: E-P5用家注意!Olympus Japan對有關快門震動的回應     Post time: 5 月 22 日

日本UN UNX-9125 E-P5手柄 OLYMPUS E-P5專用手柄 EP5手柄
為提高E-P5的握持感,保護相機底部免遭硬物劃傷,日本U.N公司專門為OLYMPUS E-P5設計了這款手柄。這款手柄沒有使用任何樹脂材料,完全使用鋁合金切削而成,不僅降低了機身重心,起到了很好的平衡作用,還提高了相機的整體握持感。U.N還非常貼心的在電池艙底部做了鏤空設計,方便在使用手柄時更換電池。
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