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註冊: 2007-03-11

題目panasonicGF5W (kit lens) 水貨定行貨?     Post time: 1 月 4 日

After discussion with GF decided to buy panasonic GF5 (with kit lens) and if good then upgrade to better model later.

水貨 GF5W (kit lens) only $35xx
GF 5 body only $2000

行貨 GF 5w (kit lens) $51xx with 1 year warrenty

it seems even if the body is malfunction I will only be losing $5xx to get a new one?

will kit lens need warrenty?
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註冊: 2009-03-26

題目Re: panasonicGF5W (kit lens) 水貨定行貨?     Post time: 1 月 6 日

行貨咁貴,我就買咗水貨。我買咗 body + 14mm 餅鏡,$27xx.
有中文menu, 少咗一年保養。不過部機係 Made in Japan, 唔會咁易壞。

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