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註冊: 2008-08-19

題目奧林巴斯OM10 性能如何?     Post time: 8 月 19 日

本人是新手,想請問依部單鏡反光機性能如何 ?

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註冊: 2007-09-26

題目Re: 奧林巴斯OM10 性能如何?     Post time: 8 月 19 日

OM10 - is it the manual camera you are talking about? If so, I heard c hings said that it is a basic model but quite good in terms of price and performance.
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註冊: 2007-10-19

題目Re: 奧林巴斯OM10 性能如何?     Post time: 8 月 20 日

I think OM10 is very old model. I t is the low end model of OM which is declared at the beginning 80's (no AF). I remember it is not mechanic model, The electronic body cannot be last for a very long time. if you want to start with the film camera, pls consider some mechanical model.
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註冊: 2002-10-12

題目Re: 奧林巴斯OM10 性能如何?     Post time: 9 月 15 日

I still have my OM10 since Jan of 1980. Though I don't use it much these days, it is still in perfect working conditions.

I bought it as a field camera for my geology class at University of Sydney. The lecturer and the Geology Department used OM system exclusively. By using an OM instead of a Nikon or Canon, I borrowed my lecturer's lenses during the field trip. My field trip reports all ended up very good.

To make the story short, it is very sturdy with very reliable shutter (mine still works perfectly). If you can afford a bit more, OM1 or OM2 will be even better.
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註冊: 2006-03-17

題目Re: 奧林巴斯OM10 性能如何?     Post time: 9 月 18 日

OM1 最好! 我有一個! 30多年了!
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