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註冊: 2012-09-29

題目OMD 廣角鏡一問     Post time: 4 月 7 日

請問有冇Ching 可以答一答我呢?吾該!

我想在二手買支 m42 Vivitar 28mm f2.5 wide angle 手動鏡,

但 OMD 要 x2,就變成 56mm,

咁支鏡會吾會因為 x2,而變成冇wide鏡 呢?

真心請Ching 幫手答一答!
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註冊: 2007-03-28

題目Re: OMD 廣角鏡一問     Post time: 4 月 8 日

of course the focal length will be different, like your calculation above, the focal length of this lens will be equal to 56mm so it becomes a slightly tele lens rather than a wide lens.
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註冊: 2012-09-29

題目Re: OMD 廣角鏡一問     Post time: 4 月 8 日

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註冊: 2011-11-25

題目Re: OMD 廣角鏡一問     Post time: 4 月 18 日

for a wide angle lens, you will be looking at 12-14mm, if you want an Ultra Wide Angle lens, you will need a focal length of 7-11mm
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