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註冊: 2003-05-26

題目拍攝紅館現場音樂會     Post time: 10 月 12 日

有冇 ching 可分享拍攝紅館現場音樂會的心得及經驗?
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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 拍攝紅館現場音樂會     Post time: 10 月 13 日

1. Around 10 rows to the stage;
2. 70-200 f/2.8;
3. ISO above 400;
4. spot metering on face; and
5. single point AF or manual focus.
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註冊: 2003-05-26

題目Re: 拍攝紅館現場音樂會     Post time: 10 月 13 日

I just have 70 - 200 f/4 IS plus Kenko 1.4, I think I will need to increase the ISO to 800 or more. Right? Also will use 單腳架 if possible.

Any other essential ponts?
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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 拍攝紅館現場音樂會     Post time: 10 月 14 日

if the close-up of the singer is what you want, so ISO 200 / 400 is good enough; because follow spot lights are commonly in-use on the singer, it is a kind of super bright lighting.

Lower the ISO a bit may keep better details. If you want some wide shots / moody stuffs then you're right, use ISO 800; but you should pay attention to your camera's dynamic range. Extreme high light & shadow are included in pop-concert wide shot, the dynamic range of your camera is the key that you could make it / not.

Using momopod depends on yourself, and you've an "IS" already; it is wise to bring one if you've, but not really necessary I think.

70-200 f/4 is enough, but I am sorry that I've no idea what is "Kenko 1.4".
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註冊: 2003-05-26

題目Re: 拍攝紅館現場音樂會     Post time: 10 月 19 日

Kenko 1.4 is the tele extender just as Canon Extender 1.4I II. It is much cheaper than Canon.
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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 拍攝紅館現場音樂會     Post time: 10 月 20 日


f/4 x 1.4 = 5.6. The aperture is too small, then a higher ISO should be use. Just bring it to the concert for "back-up".
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註冊: 2008-12-13

題目Re: 拍攝紅館現場音樂會     Post time: 10 月 22 日

Right! your're using Canon. We may look at the focal length also.

If your camera is full frame, sitting in front of the stage 70-200 is fit;
If you're using APS-H (1.3X): 200 x 1.3 = 260mm, I don't think you need the Kenko; and
If you're using APS-C (1.6X): 200 x 1.6 = 320mm, you never need that if you're within 30 rows.

But if the APS-C is your case, and you're in front of the stage; please take a 50mm or a medium range zoom for backup.
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