ACanonGuy 於 2011 年 5 月 1 日 上載

Bull Riding

Bull riding is a very dangerous sport. It was good that no one got hurt here.

Anyway, funny thing was it was a sold out event. I got there late and couldn't get a ticket. I went to the manger and said "I am here to take pictures. I don't mind paying for the ticket and don't take up any seat since I will be standing and take pictures." I was going to beg her if I had to since I was so looking forward to this picture opportunity. She asked whether I was with the press probably because I was carrying a big camera and a big lens. I said "Yes, I am with the China Times" :). She didn't ask me for any identification. She probably knew I was bull shitting her but she just tried to find a way to get me in given so many people were around us. She took me to a reserved area which was also the prime spot for shooting. Good bless her!

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