ACanonGuy 於 2011 年 11 月 20 日 上載


Between China and Macau, I managed to spend a bit over a week in Hong Kong. So what does Hong Kong like in November 2011 and what have I learned or experienced this time around?

CWB is so crowded on Sunday with domestic helpers
The movie "那些年,我們一起追的女孩" was a big hit
Iphone 4S launched in HK
I realized I have forgotten how 魚蛋粉 tasted like
"霎" in 霎東街 is pronounced as "Sharp"
There are two different 安利 on the same street in 筲箕灣東大街
There is Soho and there is Soho East
杏花邨 was the second to last stop on the 柴灣 MTR line
天壇大佛 was not that hard to climb up
Hot 豆腐花 tasted better than cold 豆腐花
Sake and wine tasted better if they were shared
鼎泰豐的小籠包 was still the best
Tried 榴槤 the first time and don't think I like it
San Miguel was still tasted like bad beer
澳洲牛奶公司 doesn't serve 茶餐 until noon

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