太陽日行跡和其廿四節氣時的位置(攝於早上07:30, 2014, 香港元朗)

太陽日行跡和其廿四節氣時的位置(攝於早上07:30, 2014, 香港元朗)
2014 Sun Analemma and its positions in 24 Solar Terms (07:30am, 2014 in Yuen Long, Hong Kong)
Copyright (c) Matthew Chin, 歡迎轉載

不經不覺,期待一年的努力有了成果,這個撇除陰天和下雨日子(今年都幾多!),要求約每星期同時間(我選了上午七時半上班前)拍一至兩天的 project, 話易又不易,說難又不太難,但在好奇心驅使看“最期待的画面”大前題下,在本年「冬至」來到後,終於看到香港版太陽8字日行跡和太陽在廿四節氣的位置!



祝各位冬至及聖誕快樂,2015 新年進步!

参考: http://www.shs.edu.tw/works/essay/2009/11/2009111322000447.pdf

The solar term days are listed as below (based on HKT) for year 2014 by HK Observatory, Government.
2014年 二十四節氣表:
English: http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/astron2014/Solar_Term_2014_e.htm
Chinese: http://www.hko.gov.hk/gts/astron2014/Solar_Term_2014_uc.htm

The figure-8 shaped curve was taken as the path of the Sun at 07:30am (HKT, UTC+8) in the year 2014, highlighting with the 24 solar terms.
Due to cloudy or rainy days, the image may be taken before / after the solar term day and are marked +/- nd(ays).
That year's two equinoxes on March 21 (0° longitude) and September 23 (180° longitude) correspond to the mid-points but not the cross-over point, on the curve.
While summer solstice on June 21(90° longitude) and winter solstice on December 22 (270° longitude) are located at the top-left and bottom-right on the curve respectively.

Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015 !



2021年 香港元朗月行跡 Lunar Analemma, in Yuen Long, Hong Kong

Shooting Period 拍攝日期: 2021/5/21 - 2021/6/17 (辛丑年農曆 四月初十日 至 五月初八日)
