油麻地果欄於 1913 年落成,從連接奧運站櫻桃街公園及油麻地果欄附近,橫跨窩打老道口的行人天橋上,眺望前面建於1913年,並已被列為歷史建築的油麻地果欄,想不到在豪宅的窩打老道8號之下,會有一個具近一百年歷...(繼續閱讀)


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The simple truth is that better equipment doesn’t make anyone a better photographer. Creativity, and understanding how to use the camera to get the affect we’re trying to achieve, are principle to the success. Using the eye to take photo but not depending on using the equipment. Although digital technology gives people immediate results that we can review to adjust the technique, teaching myself can still be a frustrating experience. Simply put, invest a few dollars in one or two photography books in order to take full advantage of the large investment we’ve made in equipment. Learning just a few creative techniques can really make a difference in the final product and add to the picture taking enjoyment. Otherwise, may never fully appreciate what the camera can do for me. Being not a professional photographer but simply a daily hobby when I was young, welcome to visit my photo gallery. It has several shortcomings, although above all else, it comes to you with sincerity, passion and a dedication for improvement.
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