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【影雲衝出國際】世界氣象組織國際雲圖收納 56 張港人相片!


世界氣象組織(World Meteorological Organization,WMO)是聯合國旗下的一個機構,它是世界各國和地區之間開展氣象業務和氣象科學合作活動的國際機構,總部設在瑞士日內瓦。為了加強公眾對全球氣候的注意,近年 WMO 亦舉辦了年度的攝影比賽,作為下一年「天氣年曆」的照片之用。適逢由 WMO 出版的 "International Cloud Atlas"(國際雲類圖鑑)在 1987 年更新後,30 年以來亦已經沒有再印新版。

Photo taken by Irene Ho Pik Har
Photo taken by Barry Chan
Photo taken by Barry Chan
Photo taken by Pong Leung
Photo taken by Mok Hing Yim (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Lee Tsz Cheung (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Ada Lau
Photo taken by Lee Tsz Cheung (HKO staff)
Photo taken by TL Ng (HKO staff)
新雲種 - Distrail 耗散尾跡,屬 Cavum 雲洞的一種
Photo taken by WC Ho (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Irene Ho Pik Har 
新雲種 - Flammagenitus 火成雲
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by Amanda Chiu
Photo taken by Edward Tin
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by TL Ng (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Kwan Chuk Man
Photo taken by Kwan Chuk Man
Photo taken by KL Luk (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Tam Kwong Hung (HKO staff)

日前 WMO 正式發表網上版的 "International Cloud Atlas - Manual on the Observation of Clouds and Other Meteors",內裡刊登多達近 600 張不同類型的「雲相」,其中有接近十分之一(共 56 張)的相片由香港人所包辦,以香港這個彈丸之地,有如此高比例的相片登上國際舞台是非常難得的。

Photo taken by Li Yuet Sim (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Lee Tsz Cheung (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by Cheung Winnie
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by Lee Ho Yin (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Irene Ho Pik Har
Photo taken by MY Mak (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Michael Yeung
Photo taken by Lee Tsz Cheung (HKO staff)
新雲種 - Cavum 雨幡洞/雲洞
Photo taken by Ho Tsz Ching Rita
Photo taken by Edward Tin
Photo taken by Ho Tsz Ching Rita
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by Lee Tsz Cheung (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Luk Wai Yan
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by Irene Ho Pik Har
Photo taken by Ho Tsz Ching Rita

早在 1929 年,世界氣象組織的前身國際氣象組織的英國科學家就將雲按其雲底高度、形狀、組成和形成的原因一共分成十大雲屬。而近年隨著公眾對科普知識日益增加,科學家亦慢慢快現新的雲種,例如:浪形雲、雨幡洞、消散尾跡、凝結尾跡(飛機雲)和火成雲等等,並且收錄在今年新版的 "International Cloud Atlas" 內,當中有部分的新雲種更是由港人所拍到呢!

Photo taken by WC Ho (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Cheung Sung Lok
Photo taken by Irene Ho Pik Har
Photo taken by Cheung Sung Lok
Photo taken by KF Chiang (HKO staff)
Photo taken by MT Tsang (HKO staff)
Photo taken by WC Ho (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Ip Kin Shing Jeff
Photo taken by Amy Chan 
新雲種 - Homomutatus 凝結尾跡變形雲
Photo taken by Alex Ngai
Photo taken by Man Kam Hoo
Photo taken by CY Lau (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Lee Ho Yin (HKO staff)
Photo taken by Mok Hing Yim (HKO staff)

來源:WMO Facebook社區天氣觀測計劃 Facebook

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