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Nikon D70s / D50 四月尾發佈

英國 Nikon 正式宣佈將在 20054 月尾發佈兩部數碼單鏡反光相機的推出日期,此新聞稿指出,兩機都屬入門級機種,其中一部為 Nikon D70 的升級版本,筆者估計應該是早前在網上洩漏出來的 Nikon D70s;另一部則是售價更便宜的入門機種,即早前傳言的 Nikon D50,究竟它們會對市場帶來什麼迴響?幾星期後自有分曉。

[ 新聞稿內容 ]

Nikon Product News Update

Following recent speculation, Nikon UK is pleased to confirm the launch of two new digital SLR cameras to be launched towards the end of April 2005.

Both cameras have been designed to meet the requirements of the entry-level digital SLR user. The first will position itself as successor to the Nikon D70, offering an upgraded version to this highly commended D-SLR. The camera will incorporate the latest in Nikon technology, whilst retaining the functionality and quality which has come to be expected from the D70.

In addition to this, Nikon will be introducing a second D-SLR, specifically designed for consumers looking to upgrade from a digital compact to the next level of digital photography. The camera will be affordable and easy to use, perfect for the D-SLR beginner.

More detailed information on both new products will follow shortly.

報料!Nikon D70s /  D50 即將發佈

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