
Fujifilm X-T3

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Fuji 仍需努力
ifbb (4個心得) 於 2019-08-08 01:25:22
推薦此產品 (使用了 3 個月)
1. 颜色讨喜,是自己喜欢的风格,也是因为这个才入门的。
2. 外形复古。
3. 按键设置人性化及布局合理,可以按个人喜好设置。
4. 附带机顶灯可以拆卸。
5. EVF取景,所见即所得。
6. 之前已用过 X100F,上手不难。
7. 。。。。。。
1. 电池容量低,包括用过的X100F,电池续航力不足,再加上EVF取景,耗电量更大,Fuji 应尽快解决这个问题,否则将会是发展中的一个瓶颈。
2. 机身较轻,体积较小,和 X100F 比较,竟然大不了多少,毕竟是一台可换镜头的相机啊,就算加了电池盒后,改善也不明显,装上16-55镜头就已经感觉头重脚轻,更别说再长的镜头了。
3. 手柄手感需要改善,手掌稍大,握着就感觉有空位。
4. 电池盒上的快门按钮手感不好。
5. 安装电池盒后,机身上的那块电池更换时需要拆下电池盒才能更换,显得有些不便。
最後更新:2019-08-08 01:26:31
Good camera but bad customer serive
Scofieldchan (1個心得) 於 2019-07-07 10:22:40
不推薦此產品 (使用了 1 年)
色水靚, 快門夠快, 鏡頭平
有保都會壞, 壞左唔好以為拎去整就我, 分分鐘仲衰!
維修部質素差, 同事無禮貌, 日本總公司唔理
I am a street photographer, I had used my Fujifilm camera snapping in the street every week., I had XE1, XT1, XPRO2 with different XF lens and X70 and X100T, X100F compact camera, I tried to peruse my friends and who ask me some suggestion of camera buy the Fujifilm camera, but not i think it is a stupid thing.

Fujifilm is a poor company especially in Hong Kong, because bad after-sales service and poor staff, in Japan headquarter, it is not responsible for every problem complained from oversea. I think that no people will get a camera but don't need the CS of that?

First of all, I wanna get back my X100f from Fujifilm repair center from Fujifilm Hong Kong after they fit my X100F malfunctioned button. I found the OVF scratched and easily to fund, I tell the staff Miss Tang, She replied that "the master don't touch that area and the scar should not be made by them”, I replied that "the repair checklist showing that my OVF does not scratch but bit dusts inside, it was an evidence checked by another staff once you received my camera. And then she repeated her argument and said “I can call the master to check it”, so I didn’t took it back.

About four days after, I called the repair center via phone and asked the situation about that, the staff said that they had no record of my complainant and they would ask for the master to solve the problem again.

I called the repair center thirdly on 4 Jun 2019 (15:50PM), the staff said that my glass of OVF will be changed to another new for free, about one month to solve it, require the material transfer from Japan to Hong Kong. I asked why did it get a scar? He said, “it’s not a suitable time to call for duty, we have free pay for you already”. I worried my camera will be “worse”, so I said that okay.

I sent the message to Japan headquarter of Fujifilm camera, i can't get any repayment of that. A few days later, I ask my Japanese friend who lives in Tokyo, help me to contact Fujifilm company, He said " japan has no responsibility for trouble in HK"

Wow they are not responsible for any trouble form oversea customers. Finally, I got the camera

on 4-7-2019 after I take a phone on them, them dot call me. I sold all my Fujifilm camera, and never use it

I just share what I feel bad with my Fujifilm company, i don't believe that they are not responsible for my trouble, even an apology of that .
XT3 vs XT30 vs A7iii vs A6400
tamsaiming2003 (9個心得) 於 2019-06-29 08:32:17
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
1. Fujifilm 80 years color science (vs. Sony............)
2. HLG (When you are a beginner and doing color grading in Adobe Pr, this helps a lot)
3. Good ergonomics with many useful knobs (vs. poor ergonomics from Sony...........
4. LCD screen for faithful photo playback (v.s. A6400)
5. Headphone jack (vs. XT30 and A6400)
6. Body with WR
7. Flip screen for portrait shooting (vs. all other three cameras)
8. Good auto WB
9. Complete APSC Fujinon lens line-up (vs. Sony......)
10. Type C USB charging
1. No 180 degree flip screen (vs. A6400)
2. No IBIS (vs. A7iii)
3. Poor battery life
4. Demand high class SD card for continuous shooting or 400 Mbps recording
At the time of purchase:
I bought XT3 with xf 18-55mm and godox v1. Not only does this combo fit photography, it is a good start for videography as well, esp. with the godox v1. I am so happy that the godox v1 comes with "robust" continuous lighting-meaning the light is strong but soft at the same time.

So, how do I eliminate Sony cameras from selections? Well, you never get the same film like color from post production and given the fact that you have already spent a long time in a video editing, you would NOT like the idea for "extra" color grading.

1 month after purchase:
The 18-55 is a good lens but I sell it for my favourite focal length 35mm. It worked more than a X100F, from speed to image quality. I recommend the below website for film simulation setup(我建議以下網站講film simulation設定:

P.S. I was a Sony user
最後更新:2019-07-23 14:35:51
Fujifilm X-T3 用後感
E Choy (3個心得) 於 2019-06-23 11:17:59
推薦此產品 (使用了 7 日)
1. 現時功能及機能最強 APS-C 相機,
2. 對蕉及追蕉拍得住 OMD EM1 MK II,
3. 顏色討好, 富士綠影風境一流,
4. 外形討好, 行復古路線,八、九成似 Nikon F3/Canon F1 經典機械机,
5. 價錢唔貴,
6. 操控一流, Dial 及 button 足夠,
7. 菲林模疑太強和獨有, 冇得輸,
8. PQ 一流,
9, 鏡頭群成熟, 大把鏡玩。
1. 冇內置防震系統,
2. 反 mon. 不能 180 度反向前, 自拍有困難,
3. 原機身手握柄太薄,不好握,強烈建議加手柄, 加原裝電池盒更加大躍進,完全兩個世界。
4. 原電池只可拍 390 張, 末必夠一日使用, 要買多一粒後備,
只玩了 7 日, 以上是初步心得, 我不拍片, 所以冇寫拍 4K 感受,可看其他測評。
希望富士兩年內出 X-T4 加番防震,我必升級。
高速連拍會變 1.25X crop mode. 咁 crop factor 會變左 1.8 , 像素亦下降至約二千萬像, 咁不如用我已有的 M4/3 系統? 但冇玩開 M4/3 系統的朋友沒有此比較。
Almost there!
MasterG (8個心得) 於 2019-05-23 02:32:00
推薦此產品 (使用了 3 個月)
8. 连拍性能好
4.Face detect无法注册优先识别的人脸


如果拍摄人的话,目前XT3的face+eye focus仅仅能达到索尼A9的60%吧,可用,但是不理想。举例,当拍摄对象出现的一堆人中间时,XT3就彻底晕菜了。由于无法注册优先拍摄的人脸,所以靠手动选择人脸基本就可以放弃了。


富士的镜头群很不错,质素很高(例如XF200, XF90, XF50-140),相对索尼的定焦镜和变焦镜而言,毫不逊色!而且整体的WR非常棒,比索尼做的好。


不知道这一代的X-trans处理器能不能在以后支持到索尼一样的real time tracking,如果可以在以后的FW升级中加入就太好了。

如果呢一部係一部full frame機 , D傳統大廠歷來嘅單位數旗艦單反, 就可以正式完成歷史任務
謝曉峰 (20個心得) 於 2019-04-22 04:24:18
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 年)
富士終於有一部 對焦能力可以同傳統頂級單反比美嘅……不!係好過傳統頂級單反嘅機身, 就係呢部X-T3喇

一秒30張連拍更加唔係講笑, 邊有單反做到

富士頂級機身WR能力小弟已經試過,祥見小弟之23 f2 用家心得

N同C記小弟都用過, 轉投富士除咗因為富士外觀典雅懷舊之外, 最重要嘅就係佢嘅操作系統, 學暴龍哥話齋, 什麼A mode、S mode 、T mode、P mode .....,富士呢度完全唔興 , 如果你想要光圈先決, 你只要將快門轉盤轉去A , 已經係㗎喇 ,反之亦然,轉投富士就係鍾意佢嘅直接!😤

當然仲有最重要嘅一點就係, xt3終於唔使插電池手柄就已經係完全體, 唔需要再靠電池手柄嚟解放佢真正嘅機能😍

攞住一部咁細部嘅相機( 相比單反), 就已經有咁強勁嘅機能, 真係攞上手就已經會心微笑😍😍😍
一樣,唯一嘅一樣, 高iso表現始終唔及ff機,不論單反或是無反

當x h1同xt3同時擁有過後 , 糾結咗一大輪之後決定放一部xh1, 冇錯我的確係好唔捨得xh1嘅機身防震, 但係xt3嘅對焦能力 比xh1有明顯的提升, 對焦能力對於一個街拍嘅愛好者嚟講其實都好重要, 因為街道上有好多情況其實都知係一閃即逝, 你影唔到就係影唔到, 人哋唔會再將嗰件事做多次嚟畀你影, 呢方面xt3就畀到我足夠嘅信心, 揸住佢比揸H1心中覺更加穩, 所以對焦能力, 在於工作上。緊要! 但再興趣上更加緊要🤣

同埋小弟開始接觸影星星 , 像素多少少, 就真係好少少。

睇返富士嘅 商場策略, 憑過往嘅經驗我哋睇得到, h1出現嘅時候比當時嘅t2, 可以氏相同感光元件, 相同處理器嘅情況下, 各方面都做得比t2優勝, 所以呢部t3, 可以話係喺H2出之前用住先, 至於轉機與否, 就要視乎h2出嘅時候佢嘅表現同價格, 如果唔係差得太多嘅, 呢部t3絕對可以陪我等到h3出為止, 呢個就係我現在作為一個t 3用家嘅用家心得

不過仲有一點好緊要, 對於小弟嚟講,T真係好揸手過同H, 所以就算新H出咗之後 , 我都應該會保留住呢部啲T3

因為呢部T3, 真係好靚仔, 又好揸手,操作簡易又快捷, 真係金玉其外亦都金玉其中, 有時唔係出街影相, 都忍唔住要喺屋企攞上手玩下😍😍🤗
最後更新:2019-04-23 20:17:26