達人資歷: 2011-07-13            總瀏覽: 129,542
Keith.L is a radiochemist and amateur photographer in Hong Kong. Keith has been getting in touch with photography since 2008. Keith has participated in many photography competitions and by the year of 2010 and 2012, he has been honorably awarded merits in the "Green Living" held by Baptist University Hong Kong and "Go Green in Style" held by Hong Kong Science & Technology Park. Keith's photo has often been selected and posted in several famous professional photography magazine in Hong Kong.
Keith will continue to strive for the best in different aspects of photography, and wishing to touch every heart with his skills and enthusiasm.
"L"鏡上的紅圈掉了,感覺會是......? Keith.L 開始這個題材大約是2013年四月。正如我以往在DCFever所發表過的兩篇文章《虛幻與真實....來自Vincent Bousserez的攝影意念 I & II》和之前接受巴西網站LabCriativo介紹時所說,我喜愛小人物放在真實物件時所產生的... (繼續閱讀)
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虛幻與真實......來自Vincent Bousserez的攝影意念 (II) Keith.L Vincent Bousserez的Plastic Life一直影響得我很深遠。不單只是在這類Miniature攝影,在其他攝影範疇上,也使我對相片的深度充滿著思考。思考不僅在於構圖內容上,光源、光質和角度對我來說也是一項巨大的挑戰。 ... (繼續閱讀)
有趣的虛幻與真實......來自法國攝影師的攝影意念 Keith.L 大約一年半前,在Internet上看過了來自法國的攝影師Vincent Bousserez的Plastic Life。這一系列作品是利用微距鏡頭將各樣的細小人物,放在現實生活中的物件,拍攝出各種蠻有趣的相片。微距鏡,我很早就用作昆蟲攝... (繼續閱讀)
嬰兒 • 影室 • 怎麼選擇 Keith.L 一張一張的照片記錄了囝囝囡囡的每段成長的過程。待將來仔女長大成人後翻看,不論父母或兒女,必定別有一番感觸。時下有很多為嬰兒攝影的影樓,能為小朋友拍攝不同主題的照片。筆者是初為人父,也是個攝影愛好者。... (繼續閱讀)
通往昆蟲世界的時空隧道 — 微距鏡 Keith.L 不論是建築攝影、親子攝影、商品攝影,甚至紀實攝影等……寄情攝影的人,相信最渴望的是每張一眼便有感覺的相片。影昆蟲其實是屬於"昆蟲攝影"一或"生態攝影"?我個人覺得"生態攝影"較為貼切。如果只是影昆蟲... (繼續閱讀)