達人資歷: 2014-11-08            總瀏覽: 413,597
I'm a photography mania. Photography course lecturer. I love shooting and sharing. Welcome for any co-operation about photography.
email: edenman2008@gmail.com

筆名 edenman
名字 Eden Man
電郵地址 edenman2008@gmail.com
星座 巨蟹座
初接觸攝影年份 1975
行業 Commercial Photographer
專長 Photography theory, Lighting technique, people handling skill, visual communication and etc.
喜愛題材 Documentary, landscape, people, still-life and etc.
攝影器材 135, 120 and large format
最常用攝影器材 35mm DSLR camera
興趣 Photography, movie, music, reading, visual art and etc.
我的網址 http://www.4d-studio.com.hk