
Motorola DEFY MB525

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顯示: 31 - 36 (最新發表)
chubbq (1個心得) 於 2011-02-18 12:06:11
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
good mon, lighted body, water/dust/scrape proof, battery changable,
good ear phone quality...to my surprise..
many merits have been mentioned by other chings.
a very serious drawback.. when connecting with AC power (battery inside) the touch screen seems get mad and out of control, can not touch preciously... the phone is more difficult to operate. whilst disconnecting the ac power, (run by battery) the phone goes back perfect... is there similar problem met by other Chings?

the plug of ear phone is a bit different from common one, it gets 3 contact points, that mean other earphone can not used in defy?? how come?
On the whole, defy is a good mobile phone esp, compared with my previous one nokia 5800, it runs smooth and fast, but in detail setting is not that good as considerate as 5800, such as task killing... customize setting etc. may be i am a newer to the android system... also many app. required root the phone, which defy is not that easy to get rooted... also looking forward the upgrade to 2.2 for better performance...in fact.. many apps can solve the problems such as the lagging and slow starting etc. it needs plenty of time to search in the android market... one more observation, when i went to motolola repairing shop as i got a minor problems with defy which i dont know how to solve, i found out that the shop is almost emptyiness, no customer went there for repairing.. in nokia... the situation is totally different...is it the quality of moto phone is superior to nokia\'s?
xxwatson (2個心得) 於 2011-02-16 12:22:13
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
1)Mon excellent.
2)Sound loud with crystal clear technology.
3)Long battery life, it should be using whole day, I mean more than 10hours.
4)CPU with 800MHz for OS 2.1 is good enough, smooth for operation.
5)Charging time at around 1hour if remain 20% battery life.
1)USB cable connection with charger is quite too short, if charger plug at the underground of power.
2)If volume adjusting to Max. position, which may cause some distortion. It may required to adjust lower little bit.
3)Feeling of hand carry of phone is not good, since whole around of side portion is polishing, it may casue not easy to hold well for the phone. But it could be fix by wear of case, i.e. I bought one of Otterbox protection case then become feeling good.
4)General casing is not easy to found out from the current market.
5)Easy to entry dust from the earpiece, so you may see the dust at the upper portion of LCD.
6)Power switch feeling not so good, not easy to push.
So far, it is better than my previous Nokia 5800XM, which operated by S60 system.
Here below is my comments for using of 1month:
1)Function VS price are good, as I bought from China Mobile HK just $2,580 only.
2)Easy to learn & operate with user friendly interface.
3)Many software to support the OS.
4)Quality is good for product, may be I\'m lucky to bought a good one!

In fact, HK peoples may not be accept the brand name of Motorola during on past few years, since they don\'t have good product sold out on this period.
In 15years ago, Motorola is top one of brand name in HK. So, I just try for this time.
Looking forward for coming good product!
chimkwokon (14個心得) 於 2011-02-16 12:11:20
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
操作順暢 - (但安裝多幾十個apps/games後,明顯慢左),但都接受
Mon清 - 沒起格仔
Crystal Talk - 對方聽來超清楚,朋友就享受了。
Call Waiting的Du Du聲 太細
Moto的聯絡人,行事曆(中文會亂碼) 必需用GMAIL同步就正常。
作決定買下的一刻,是跟風,貪新鮮,想玩Angry Birds。
有擔心Smart Phone太多功能,會比E72差。
幸好,回家到Market下載 Bible, Stopwatch, Yahoomail, 導航,地圖等。
唯Call Waiting Du Du聲 太細,不及E72
rice0825 (7個心得) 於 2011-02-13 16:29:55
推薦此產品 (使用了 14 日)
1. 3防手機,真係看唔出有咩唔好,用左兩個星期,又放褲袋,一滴塵都沒有...真係沒有樓下師兄的情況,會唔會係個別既事件?

2. 操作順暢、觸感良好,用左兩個星期又裝左唔少APPS,但完全未HANG過機,用埋TASK-KILLER,長期都可以有180-200MB左右既RAM淨,比起我果時用2.2既I9000既100MB左右,完全係超出我既預期﹗

3. 通話真係清,接收又好.....係地鐵都一定清楚同人傾到電話....上手部I9000,在地鐵幾乎一分鐘斷一次線,人地又聽唔到我講咩.....DEFY真係超幾班

4. 估唔到聽歌都OK,我自問都有D要求,但估唔到出來既效果,同我上手部I9000都係差唔多。(用同一個HEADPHONE)

5. 內存2GB ROM,放多D APPS都冇問題

6. 個MON解像度都唔錯,當然不能同HD,或係I9000個MON比,但起碼顏色都OK,亦唔會起格先啊﹗

7. 相機,其實影落唔差啊﹗只係室內時多左D NOISE吧了﹗況且,而家有幾多人真係拎張相去哂,頂多未又係UP上FACEBOOK、微博.....比你影到高清相,放上去咪又係咁上下﹗講真,手機最重要始終係通話,要影靚相,都係用相機啦﹗
1. 仲係2.1,真心希望快D可以上2.2,而家用2.1都咁順暢,真係期待快D有2.2升

2. 個選單真係亂左D,有時裝完D APPS,真係要睜大眼先知佢放左去邊個位.....

3. 收音機個FUNCTION原來收左音樂入面,試機時完全唔知....用落接收都OK,不過偶爾會自己跳出來,呢個真係要MOTO果邊UPDATE時要攪下....

4. 拿上手係細部左少少,我手大有時都幾驚跌落地....


janjanejanet (1個心得) 於 2011-02-13 02:48:25
推薦此產品 (使用了 2 日)
1. 機身比Mo記milestone 1 或 2 輕巧約50g.
2. 雖然現在運行Android 2.1 版本,但支援Android 2.2。祗早其一點點推出的motorola XT720 就不支援upgrade
3. 比新出的milestone 2 少了keyboard 和慢一些,但市價平約$800-1000,對不用keyboard 的用家來說平了不少。
4. 三防
1. 不能正常顯示韓文日文。需root 機,更改fonts file 才可正常顯示。但root 機(即使可unroot) ,都有可能會影響保養。但早一些的model XT720 竟沒這個問題。
2. Wallpaper 設定比較麻煩,不能簡單地用相片設成wallpaper。現在還在了解如何設定中。
3. 網上有些文章提及硬件聽筒有問題,說聽筒位太近speaker,太多用聽筒可能會拉斷線路。由於新買,未能確定是否如實。
4. 拍照功能一般,始終比不上舊的nokia 500萬像賽斯鏡的銳利度。但smartphone 始終不是相機,整體可接受。
5. 外表比較土,插頭的膠cover 和memory card 的膠cover 感覺比較易壞。看peoples 的樣版機就知這些部件很快會鬆或壞。
雖然列出的缺點不少,但整體性價比仍然高。但多用韓日字型的朋友,真的要花些時間爬文處理缺點1。 其實要做到root 才能處理好,真想去投訴下mo 記。
GOD990000 (1個心得) 於 2011-02-10 20:11:14
不推薦此產品 (使用了 15 日)
本人在2011-1-26在百老匯買了一部MOTOROLA DEFY MB525(BK),該手機標榜防塵,抗水,耐刮.但買了不到1個月在2011-02-09已經發現手機左上角顯示屏已經入塵.去客戶服務部要求更換又不得要領.本人感到該公司的廣告有行騙成份希望貴報可以加以報導,以免有其他受害者
不要可有受害者,千萬不要買Motorola DEFY