pokpig 於 2011 年 6 月 23 日 上載

Niagara Falls - Canadian Falls

The Niagara Falls have two parts: the American Falls and the Canadian Falls. The one display here is the latter, compared with the former one, it's more feminine, with curved contour instead of straight comb kind of shape. The sound of the water, the seagulls and their songs of joy, the sky, the mist, all forms an integrable part of the whole scene. Words and my skill of photography cannot render the beauty, I decalre failure as a photographer for this one.

I actually drive there from the US, cross the border to Canada: I told the officier I am just going to look at the fall and left after few hours, which is actually what I did. It was well worth it.

Out of laziness and ignorance, I do not bring my tripod with me (it's a long walk to and fro). Compared to the rest of the wonderful scenes, The Falls have more dynamics, more interaction with the people (the water + mist constantly falling on my camera).

I just love this place.

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