pokpig 於 2011 年 6 月 24 日 上載

another shot of Canadian Falls

Residing in the falls are an impressive number of seagulls. They seems to enjoy both the presence of visitors (probably becoz visitors used to give them food) and the exciting dynamics of the water. They fly really close to the falls, back and forth, singing their joyful songs.

The key challenge here is that water keeps landing on you in all direction. The mist instantly drops and you have a hard choice between yr camera , yr lens and the picture. I think the camera, no matter how good it is, should be devoted to its purpose. Given the 7D is weather seal, let's give it a try. (while the lens is not, it's a 50 mm prime... cheap enough to be regarded as weather-seal).

the background of water falling is perfect, what I need to do is wait for the perfect seagull fly by. The one minute wait is enough to wet my camera inside out. Luckily it's okay.

thx all for viewing

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