eddiejoker 於 2009 年 7 月 25 日 上載

.the Splash 濺2

a bit "Mo liu" this morning and went to 日本城 to buy a cheap cheap glass and I found my fruit basket was full of cherries... then... haha,time to SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH again!! hahaha.

I bought a cheap cheap glass this morning...

fill it up by water~

This time, I found my fruit basket was filled up with cherries by my mom... haha.
Ready for the next splash!?

Here you go!!

I used external flash for this pic to get a higher shutter speed, but I found that it's realy really difficult to handle the reflection coz' I don't have a good diffuser...

The shutter is not really high this time as I need to keep appropriate DOF for the sharpness...

I like this one...

it's my model again!

yo!! nice jump~

Thanks for watching~

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