
Fujifilm X-T3

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顯示: 19 - 21 (最低評價)
Fujifilm X-T3 用後感
E Choy (3個心得) 於 2019-06-23 11:17:59
推薦此產品 (使用了 7 日)
1. 現時功能及機能最強 APS-C 相機,
2. 對蕉及追蕉拍得住 OMD EM1 MK II,
3. 顏色討好, 富士綠影風境一流,
4. 外形討好, 行復古路線,八、九成似 Nikon F3/Canon F1 經典機械机,
5. 價錢唔貴,
6. 操控一流, Dial 及 button 足夠,
7. 菲林模疑太強和獨有, 冇得輸,
8. PQ 一流,
9, 鏡頭群成熟, 大把鏡玩。
1. 冇內置防震系統,
2. 反 mon. 不能 180 度反向前, 自拍有困難,
3. 原機身手握柄太薄,不好握,強烈建議加手柄, 加原裝電池盒更加大躍進,完全兩個世界。
4. 原電池只可拍 390 張, 末必夠一日使用, 要買多一粒後備,
只玩了 7 日, 以上是初步心得, 我不拍片, 所以冇寫拍 4K 感受,可看其他測評。
希望富士兩年內出 X-T4 加番防震,我必升級。
高速連拍會變 1.25X crop mode. 咁 crop factor 會變左 1.8 , 像素亦下降至約二千萬像, 咁不如用我已有的 M4/3 系統? 但冇玩開 M4/3 系統的朋友沒有此比較。
從canon apsc跳家不後悔
HeisenbergWang (1個心得) 於 2018-11-06 09:04:27
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
1. 相片質素好,基本上富士無爛鏡。
2. 機身質感、操控性佳。銀色做工其實不馬虎
3. 搭配23mm f2街拍實在好方便!
4. 自動測光白平衡令我訝異
5. 拍片4k好給力! c/p質高
6. 對焦速度比傳統的刻板印象好很多,富士有進步!
7. 軟片模擬太強大
8. 真的想學好攝影,其實富士旗艦系列操作方式真的棒
9. 相片質素/機身重量之比值非常高
1. wifi 傳輸無canon好
2. 藍芽雞肋
3. 無翻轉螢幕 (之前80d好好用)
4. 電池需再多買一顆(最好是原廠)
5. 無IBIS (但真的想拍照其實沒有那麼需要,拍片比較可惜,需上GIMBAL)
6. 高ISO表現看來比X-T2差,不太合理,估計是軟體問題,等富士之後更新修正。
從80D跳過來,本來要等EOS R,但看完規格和評測果斷跳家,至今仍不後悔,這台在DPREVIEW的分數只比A7III低一分啊!!
XT3 vs XT30 vs A7iii vs A6400
tamsaiming2003 (9個心得) 於 2019-06-29 08:32:17
推薦此產品 (使用了 1 個月)
1. Fujifilm 80 years color science (vs. Sony............)
2. HLG (When you are a beginner and doing color grading in Adobe Pr, this helps a lot)
3. Good ergonomics with many useful knobs (vs. poor ergonomics from Sony...........
4. LCD screen for faithful photo playback (v.s. A6400)
5. Headphone jack (vs. XT30 and A6400)
6. Body with WR
7. Flip screen for portrait shooting (vs. all other three cameras)
8. Good auto WB
9. Complete APSC Fujinon lens line-up (vs. Sony......)
10. Type C USB charging
1. No 180 degree flip screen (vs. A6400)
2. No IBIS (vs. A7iii)
3. Poor battery life
4. Demand high class SD card for continuous shooting or 400 Mbps recording
At the time of purchase:
I bought XT3 with xf 18-55mm and godox v1. Not only does this combo fit photography, it is a good start for videography as well, esp. with the godox v1. I am so happy that the godox v1 comes with "robust" continuous lighting-meaning the light is strong but soft at the same time.

So, how do I eliminate Sony cameras from selections? Well, you never get the same film like color from post production and given the fact that you have already spent a long time in a video editing, you would NOT like the idea for "extra" color grading.

1 month after purchase:
The 18-55 is a good lens but I sell it for my favourite focal length 35mm. It worked more than a X100F, from speed to image quality. I recommend the below website for film simulation setup(我建議以下網站講film simulation設定:

P.S. I was a Sony user
最後更新:2019-07-23 14:35:51