達人資歷: 2024-02-02            總瀏覽: 8,319
Justin graduated from the Hong Kong Design Institute, where he obtained a Higher Diploma in Film, Television & Photography, in 2023. He was first runner-up in the "See the World in Hong Kong Photo Contest" hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Hong Kong and the VTC, and also received the Gold Award at the Prix De La Photographie Paris 2022, as well as honourable mentions at the New York Photography Awards 2022, and the Tokyo International Foto Awards 2022. In November 2023, he obtained DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award 2023.

Justin's artistic style is characterised by the technical proficiency that enables him to capture the essence of subjects, and particularly Hong Kong's vibrant urban life . His Final Year Project, "The Portrait of Architecture," shows the influence of famous photographers' techniques in taking buildings. This series features structures such as The Murray Hong Kong hotel, Lippo Centre, Bank of China Tower, Xiqu Centre, the Palace Museum, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Jockey Club Innovation Tower. Justin's approach involves humanising these buildings, and treating them as individuals with distinct characters. By capturing images from unusual angles, highlighting architectural lines, and accentuating their structural silhouettes, he conveys their personality and uniqueness. Each photograph involved meticulous composition and framing, and intensive post-production work, resulting in captivating visuals that breathe life into the structures.
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拍攝景物猶如時間流逝的方法和相關技巧 Justin Lee 如果你喜歡拍攝風景或城市景而又想嘗試新風格,本人推薦你閱讀本文章。 而且,你只需要濾鏡ND3.9,即減光13級,就能在藍天白雲情況下拍攝這類相片如下:     但本人查閱過,似乎只有Formatt-Hitech這牌子... (繼續閱讀)