二手市集 交易評價
andy.hongkong (11)
5.27 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
成功確認交易次數: 12
  • 賣家
    Vincentng240 (28) 約 1 年 3 個月前
    師兄友善,物品一如陳述,crystal cable 用在64Forte 和Noble Katana, 效果好明顯,非常愉快的交易。
  • 賣家
    Falcon_X (217) 約 5 年前
    Nice and patient Ching. Let me listen to different 升級線 and compare. The 升級線 workmanship is very good quality. Will definite come back for other 升級線.
  • 賣家
    kwongcm (97) 約 6 年前
    Great seller. The earphone is in prefect condition. Very happy trading. Kwong Ching also shared his most valuable experience.
  • 賣家
    thinkman (15) 約 8 年前
    Honest and kind seller. Look forward to next opportunity to trade
  • 賣家
    notfatman (52) 約 9 年前
    Nice Ching Good product.
  • 賣家
    matthew056 (339) 約 9 年前
    Nice Ching Good product.
  • 賣家
    TikTok抖音 (203)約 9 年前
    Nice Ching Good product.
  • 賣家
    NatureTerrance (26) 約 9 年前
    Nice Ching Good product.
  • 賣家
    obi069 (110) 約 10 年前
    誠實賣家, 有耐性, 貨物一如描述, 好!
  • 賣家
    kenny1971 (57)  10+ 年前
    Nice seller, actually delivered ixus 430, a later model. I am pleased with the trade. I tried to
  • 賣家
    A So (54)  10+ 年前
    Very nice seller. Goods delivered as promised.