二手市集 交易評價
ew11 (5) 
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 50%
成功確認交易次數: 5
  • 賣家
    ◎細蚊仔◎ (1)  約 7 年前
    nice and helpful seller! the quality of the item is beyond expectation, thank you!
  • 賣家
    devilho (145) 約 9 年前
    very good seller with full patient in answering queries, although it's just a $42 deal! we definitely need such kind of seller here =)
  • 賣家
    sagat78 (16) 約 10 年前
    good seller, punctual & polite!
  • 賣家
    tslussc (5) 10+ 年前
  • 買家
    s9102662 (196)  10+ 年前
    good buyer.