二手市集 交易評價
cltsoi (4)
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
撤回物品比例: 23%
成功確認交易次數: 4
  • 賣家
    thyho (8) 10+ 年前
    Very nice C Hing! There is a little scratch on the body, but doesn't affect function, thanks again!!!
  • 賣家
    andersw (31)  10+ 年前
    Thanks for your kindness and drive the car to my district, Nice Seller!! Will test the machine in coming few days.... Thanks!
  • 賣家
    edc.edward (6) 10+ 年前
    The outlook is great! Will further test in coming days... Thanks!
  • 賣家
    elizachong2007 (20) 10+ 年前
    Reasonable price, will test it in coming days... Thanks!