二手市集 交易評價
ModernCrayon (5)
5 / 5
註冊: 10+ 年
成功確認交易次數: 5
  • 賣家
    franky846 (76)約 8 年前
    Nice CHing.
  • 賣家
    UNCLEHING (119)  10+ 年前
    CHing is a nice & helpful seller to trade with. Thank you very much.
  • 賣家
    tinyoyo516 (38) 10+ 年前
    Very nice gentleman to deal with.
  • 賣家
    Kowloon_Chan (38)  10+ 年前
    Extremely kind gentleman to meet; he is with huge consideration on his counter party. It was my great fortune to deal with him.
  • 賣家
    sony_user (2) 10+ 年前
    Excellent & helpful counter party.