二手市集 交易評價
andylhy2004 (5) 
5 / 5
註冊:約 9 年
撤回物品比例: 45%
成功確認交易次數: 5
  • 買家
    yaukh (105) 約 7 年前
    nice buyer at all
  • 賣家
    GOLDCAT (12)約 7 年前
    Great seller with details information provide to buyer about the smart phone. Willing to trade with you again.
  • 買家
    kcmonkeylau (75) 約 7 年前
    nice buyer willing to trade with you again! Thank you Enjoy!
  • 買家
    Nick2827 (11) 約 7 年前
    Nice buyer
  • 賣家
    lyfedpmp (7)約 7 年前
    NIce seller willing to trade with you again