Patrick.C.F.Lee 於 2011 年 1 月 12 日 上載

I eat first!

Thanks for the Birds, Fishes, Flowers and Insects Show in Fanling. Without this show, I cannot have shot such beautiful birds using this $598 camera (with an extra Li-ion battery and a 4GB SDHC card). After checking the price for this extra MaximalPower Li-ion battery and the Class 4 Kingston 4GB SDHC, the price of this ROLLEI Compactline 102 is less than HK$400.

This ROLLEI Compactline 102 is basically the same as the AGFA Optima 100 or AGFA Compact 100. All these cameras are made by the same manufacturer. The firmware of the AGFA Compact 100 is 0.96 while that of the ROLLEI Compactline 102 is 1.32. Hence, this camera can SOMETIMES shoot significant better photos under the same conditions.

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