Patrick.C.F.Lee 於 2011 年 1 月 17 日 上載

Love between photographers

While I was walking across a beach, I saw a couple, each carried a DSLR, posing and shooting for each other. Their love inspired me to take a snapshot. Somehow I realised that I could take more than just a normal snapshot. The taken snapshot can also be artistic.

I have broken two rules when I took this artistic snapshot:

(1) A textbook style advice for taking this photo is to clean up the beach. However, I felt that that the rubbish decorated the beach. Without the rubblish, the sand filled beach is a bit boring. Hence, I have not taken away the rubbish.

(2) In order to persevere the spirit of snapshot, rather than zooming the lens in and out; and tilting the camera at various angles to get the best composition (as suggested by all professional photographers). I just pointed and adjusted the camera by basic instinct. Hopefully, my basic instinct has given a shot that the viewers enjoy to view.

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