達人資歷: 2011-08-04            總瀏覽: 873,032
Jacky Lee 是一位視覺藝術家,擅長風景攝影、公共藝術和城市規劃。他在2017年贏得了《國家地理》青年攝影比賽冠軍,並在2018年和2020年兩度躋身該比賽的決賽。此外,他在2022年的年度攝影大獎和國際黑白攝影大賽中獲得榮譽獎項。他的作品曾被香港天文台以及澳大利亞塔斯曼尼亞議會所展示。


Jacky Lee, a visual artist from Hong Kong, specializes in landscape photography, public art, and urban planning. He has won the National Geographic Youth Photo Contest in 2017 and has twice been a finalist in the NGPC in 2018 and 2020. Additionally, he earned Honorable Mentions in the Annual Photography Awards and the International Black & White Photography Contest in 2022. His work has been featured by government organizations such as the Hong Kong Observatory, and the Huon Valley Council in Tasmania.

Besides landscape/nightscape photography, Jacky possesses a deep understanding of black & white photography, cityscape photography, architectural photography, street photography and aerial photography. Actively engaged in the international photography community, Jacky serves as a distinguished photography mentor in the Photographic Society of America, an article contributor for the Australian Photographic Society, and a panel judge in various photo contests currently. He was a guest speaker at the University of Hong Kong. His artistic work has been showcased in global exhibitions spanning Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

2022 - Honourable Mention | Annual Photography Awards 2022 (Mobile Photography category)
2022 - Honourable Mention | Annual Photography Awards 2022 (Natural Landscapes category)
2022 - Black & White Photographer of the Year 2022 | Gurushots
2022 - Photographer of the Year 2022 | Gurushots
2022 - Honorable Mention | International Black & White Photography Contest
2022 - World’s Top Photo Award | Mobile Phone Photography International 
2022 - Zenith Award | Viewbug
2021 - Second Runner-up | Built Over The Century Photo Marathon
2020 - Finalist | National Geographic Hong Kong Photo Contest (City category)
2018 - Finalist | National Geographic Hong Kong Photo Contest (City category)
2017 - Winner | National Geographic Youth Photo Competition (Hong Kong Place category)
2012 - Outstanding Talent | Dcfever
2010 - Merit | Fairy Tales of Flower Photo Competition
2010 - Champion | Natural Wildlife Photo Competition
2009 - First Runner-up | Halloween Portrait Photo Competition
2009 - First Runner-up | Working Together for a Better Nau Tau Kok Photo Contest
2008 - Grand Prize | Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 25th Anniversary Logo Design Competition
2008 - Merit | Vibrant Blossoms for Beijing Olympics Photo Competition
2007 - Winner | Heritage & Conservation Photo Competition (Rehabilitation and Reoccurence category)
2007 - Winner | Heritage & Conservation Photo Competition (Unforgettable History category)
2007 - Merit | Spring Blossoms for Celebration Photo Competition
2004 - Winner | Every District is Worth Seeing Freestyle Digital Photo Competition (Wan Chai category)
2004 - Winner | Every District is Worth Seeing Freestyle Digital Photo Competition (Kwai Tsing category) 
2004 - Winner | Every District is Worth Seeing Freestyle Digital Photo Competition (Central and Western category)

Photo Credit:
2023 - Blok Design Associates, Brisbane, Australia
2021 - Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Hong Kong Government
2021 - The Nature Conservancy, Hong Kong
2020 - Laowa by Venus Optics
2019 - Buildings Department, Hong Kong Government
2019 - Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Government
2018 - Huon Valley Council, Tasmania, Australia Government
2018 - Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong Government

Community Involvement:
2023 - Distinguished Mentor | Photographic Society of America
2023 - Judge Panel | Lai Chi Wo and Mui Tsz Lam Hakka Culture Photography Competition
2023 - Article Contributor | Australian Photographic Society Newsletter
2023 - Article Contributor | Photographic Society of America Newsletter
2022 - Article Contributor | Hong Kong Dental Association Newsletter
2021 - Guest Speaker | Hong Kong Traveler
2021 - Guest Speaker | The University of Hong Kong
2021 - Photography Advisor | Old Town Central Photography Tour
2021 - Photography Advisor | Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (Young Surveyors Group) Hiking Tour
2020 - Guest Speaker | Chak Yan Centre, Hong Kong
2020 - Photography Advisor | Double Haven Old Village Tour
2018 - Interview | Wheelock
2018 - Photography Advisor | Wah Yan College Kowloon
2019 - Creative Team Member | Mui Tsz Lam Art Revitalization Project
2015 - Article Contributor | fotobeginner.com
2013 - Interview | PCMarket
2012 - Convenor | Photography Interest Group, Past Student Association, Wah Yan College Kowloon
2011 - Proposal of Ferris wheel | Western District Harbourfront Planning Competition

Professional Qualification:
2022 - Professional Member (Property and Facility Management Surveyor) | Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
2022 - Professional Member (Town Planning and Property Development Surveyor) | Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
2017 - International Associate Member | Australian Institute of Building Surveyors
2009 - Professional Member (Building Surveyor) | Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
2009 - Registered Professional Building Surveyor | Hong Kong Government
2008 - Professional Member (Building Surveyor) | Hong Kong Institute of Surveyor

Canberra Photographic Society (CPS)
Australian Photographic Society (APS)
National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)
Photographic Society of America (PSA)
Canadian Association For Photographic Art (CAPA)
Royal Photographic Society (RPS)
International Association of Panoramic Photographers (IAPP)

2023 - Logo Trademark Registration (for teaching purpose) in Hong Kong

Global Exhibition:
Jan 2024 - Our Amazing Planet exhibition | BSIDE Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
Oct 2023 - My Favorite Exhibition Shot exhibition | Art Market Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Oct 2023 - Art of Photography exhibition | The SPACE Art Gallery, Philadelphia, United States
Oct 2023 - Travel Photographer of the Year exhibition | Kaiser Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio
Sep 2023 - Your Favorite Shot exhibition | 6x6 Centre for Photography, Limassol, Cyprus
Aug 2023 - Dramatic Lighting exhibition | Kontrast Galleri, Stockholm, Sweden
Aug 2023 - Art of Photography exhibition | Galerie Gora, in Montreal, Canada
July 2023 - The Beauty of Earth exhibition | Almanaque Fotográfica, Mexico City, Mexico
July 2023 - Creative Composition exhibition | Almanaque Fotográfica, in Mexico City, Mexico
July 2023 - My Perfect Shot | Bridgeport Art Gallery, Chicago, USA
Jun 2023 - My Favourite Shot | FotoZA Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
Jun 2023 - Art of Black & White exhibition | FotoZA Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
Jun 2023 - Black & White Photographer of the Year | Coningsby Gallery, London, UK
Jun 2023 - My Favourite Shot | Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece
May 2023 - Landscape Photography | Valid World Hall, Barcelona, Spain
Apr 2023 - Solo-Single Subject | Bangkok Art & Culture Centre, Thailand
Apr 2023 - Powerful Lighting | Matca Space for Photography, Hanoi, Vietnam
Mar 2023 - The Beauty of Earth | MIA Fair, Milan, Italy
Mar 2023 - Best of Black and White | Photo North Festival, Leeds, UK
Feb 2023 - Your Exhibition Shot | Espacio EI Dorado, Bogota, Columbia
Feb 2023 - Creative Composition | Modeka Gallery, Manila, Philippines 
Feb 2023 - Powerful Composition | PH11 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Jan 2023 - Art of Photography | BBA Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Jan 2023 - Best of Black & White | Bside Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
Dec 2022 - Photographer of the Year | Coningsby Gallery, London, UK
Nov 2022 - A Date with Hing Chun Yeuk | Legacy Hall, Central Market, Central, Hong Kong

Media Article:
Jan 2023 - Digital Camera World
Dec 2022 - ulifestyle
Dec 2022 - Shutterbug
Dec 2022 - Digital Camera World
Nov 2022 - Hong Kong Economic Times
Nov 2022 - OrangeNews
Nov 2022 - sina
Nov 2022 - ArtTechTalks
Nov 2022 - ChinaChemGroup
Nov 2022 - Digital Camera World
Nov 2022 - Petapixel
Oct 2022 - Digital Camera World
Oct 2018 - National Geographic
Nov 2018 - Yahoo
Mar 2018 - South China Morning Post
Jun 2018 - Xuehua
Feb 2018 - Photoblog.hk
Feb 2018 - Sina
Feb 2018 - nphoto.net
Feb 2018 - Nearsnake
Feb 2018 - ezone
Feb 2018 - dcfever
Feb 2018 - ithome
Feb 2018 - photogstory
Feb 2018 - kknews
Feb 2018 - timable
Feb 2018 - hk01

Social Media:
Website: http://www.jsklee.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HKinBeauty
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/iamjsklee
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/LearningwithJackyLee
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sklphotography
Twitter: http://twitter.com/iamjackylee
Tumblr: http://sklphotography.tumblr.com
DcFever: https://www.dcfever.com/column/info.php?id=183
首頁推介 編輯推薦
航拍香港十八區 - 點影先至靚?(第二篇) Jacky Lee 今期繼續航拍香港,希望透過照片能與大家分享一下背後的故事和現行關於航拍的相關法例和要求。 這張照片乃於九龍塘所攝,照片正中為瑪利諾修院學校,遠方乃前啟德機場,再後方遠眺便是九龍半島的將軍澳與香港島... (繼續閱讀)
首頁推介 編輯推薦
航拍香港十八區 - 點影先至靚?(第一篇) Jacky Lee 最近完成咗一個關於航拍香港十八區嘅攝影計劃,所以好想藉住呢個機會,同大家分享一下,呢啲照片背後嘅故事。 [中西區] 呢張相,右下角係香港仔水塘。佢係香港第四個興建嘅水塘,亦都係香港島最後興建嘅水塘... (繼續閱讀)
首頁推介 編輯推薦
點樣影到啲水滑一滑?無濾鏡係咪就無計? Jacky Lee 鍾意影風景嘅朋友,一定會被網上好多攝影師拍出嚟如詩如畫嘅海岸風景照片所吸引,究竟點樣可以影到呢類型嘅照片呢? 秘密就係,只要你有減光鏡(ND filter)嘅話,再加上相機設定為bulb,咁樣基本上就可以拍攝... (繼續閱讀)
首頁推介 編輯推薦
日落點樣先至可以影得靚?今次教你用濾鏡! Jacky Lee 相信好多攝影新手都鍾意影日落,除咗覺得日落嘅顏色好靚之外,更重要就係唔使好似影日出咁樣咁早起身咁辛苦(笑)。   影日落最緊要係識得揀選適當嘅地方,我會推介用sun surveyor app嚟去知道日落嘅方向(無論... (繼續閱讀)
首頁推介 編輯推薦
日出點樣先至可以影得靚?相關相機設定要點 set? Jacky Lee 好多攝影嘅朋友都鍾意影日出日落,因為呢個時間嘅magic moment 確實好靚。 但係對於攝影新手來講,日出日落並唔係一個容易拍攝嘅題材,因為呢個時間嘅光差太大,好多時影出嚟嘅相,一係就係天空爆光,一係就喺地... (繼續閱讀)
拍攝風景照片不能背光? Jacky Lee 早前去了澳洲雪梨旅遊。由於碰巧當天天氣晴朗,非常適合拍攝風景照片。 大家都會知道,當遇到天空和地面的光度相差比較大的時候,HDR確實是一個好方法來加強相片的寬容度。 由於是旅行攝影的關係,沒有太多... (繼續閱讀)
挑戰原廠:Sigma 12-24mm II vs Canon 14mm/2.8L (Part 2) Jacky Lee 現在輪到中央對決,以下是相片100%裁圖。     Sigma 12mm-24mm/4.5-5.6 DG II Canon EF 14mm/2.8 L f/2.8 N/A f/3.2 N/A f/3.5 N/A f/4.0 N/A f/4.5 ... (繼續閱讀)
挑戰原廠:Sigma 12-24mm II vs Canon 14mm/2.8L (Part 1) Jacky Lee 本人拍攝風景照片多年,由35mm開始越拍越闊:28mm,21mm,17mm,一直拍到14mm。在這一兩年本人大部份的風景照片都是用Canon 14mm/2.8L廣角定焦鏡頭拍攝。 14mm 的視覺沖擊 要捕捉大自然磅礡的氣勢,當然一支越闊... (繼續閱讀)
不想再吃白果? Jacky Lee 每年春天,都是拍攝雲海的好時候。 在眾多的雲海題材當中,我尤其喜歡拍攝日出雲海。 拍攝雲海,意味著雲層要在我們的腳下,所以我們要選擇一個高於雲層的地方來拍攝。 高過雲層的地方,可以往山上走,也可以走... (繼續閱讀)
15個蘭花拍攝手法你要知 Jacky Lee 在中國文化中,蘭與梅、竹、菊合稱四君子。 四君子是氣節崇高的象徵,常作為中國畫及東洋畫的畫題,也代表四季(春蘭、夏竹、秋菊、冬梅)。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%9B%E5%90%9B%E5%AD%90 最近香... (繼續閱讀)
遲來的Sony RX1用後感(完整篇) Jacky Lee 有幸早些日子被DCfever邀請試用Sony RX1。由於從前一直有使用定焦儍瓜機,例如Contax T3, Leica Minilux, Minolta TC-1,來進行landscape及street snapshot的拍攝,所以對今次的試用機的35mm定焦視覺並不感陌生。... (繼續閱讀)
香港櫻花 Jacky Lee 櫻花,屬於薔薇科李屬之物種的花。 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%B1%E8%8A%B1 櫻花品種相當繁多,數目超過三百種以上,其中自然野生種只有10餘種,其他的則是通過園藝雜交所衍生得到的品種。 櫻花原產北... (繼續閱讀)
藍眼淚 = 紅潮 !? Jacky Lee 藍眼淚, 也叫夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans),為一種在海中生存的非寄生甲藻,能作生物發光。這種藻類之所以能發光,是因為其體內數以千計的球狀胞器中,具有螢光素-螢光素酶,這些胞器就像微型的電源供應器,讓... (繼續閱讀)
The A-Z places of Hong Kong (Part III) Jacky Lee 最近展開了一個 A-Z places of Hong Kong的計劃,目的是想記錄香港境內的美景,和宣揚環保的訊息。希望通過這個計劃,讓大家了解香港並不只是石屎森林,而是擁有大量天然美境的地方。大家有時間的話,一定要多多認... (繼續閱讀)
The A-Z places of Hong Kong (Part II) Jacky Lee 最近展開了一個 A-Z places of Hong Kong的計劃,目的是想記錄香港境內的美景,和宣揚環保的訊息。希望通過這個計劃,讓大家了解香港並不只是石屎森林,而是擁有大量天然美境的地方。大家有時間的話,一定要多多認... (繼續閱讀)
首頁推介 編輯推薦
The A-Z places of Hong Kong (Part I) Jacky Lee 最近展開了一個 A-Z places of Hong Kong的計劃,目的是想記錄香港境內的美景,和宣揚環保的訊息。希望通過這個計劃,讓大家了解香港並不只是石屎森林,有時間的一定要多認識我們這片土地。 A - Ap Chau 鴨洲 ... (繼續閱讀)
銀河下的戀人(Part II) Jacky Lee 繼上一篇銀河下的戀人的文章出街以來,我收到很多的查詢,關於怎樣把Justin Ng的技巧實踐出來。現在就讓我再為大家詳述當中的執相技巧。 上回提到打開最光和最暗的那兩張照片,用小光源的疊合方法把較亮的照片放... (繼續閱讀)
銀河下的戀人 Jacky Lee 相信有很多朋友都嘗試過在香港不同的地方拍攝銀河,例如大浪西灣、西貢東壩等等。 (在大浪西灣拍攝) 這些地方有一個共通點,便是光害少,可以讓我們比較容易拍攝到清晰的銀河;但是,它們都是在郊區,我們往往... (繼續閱讀)
螢火蟲拍攝攻略 - 挑戰篇 Jacky Lee 當大家掌握了基本拍攝螢火蟲的方法後,便可嘗試挑戰高難度的拍攝手法。 1. 先從構圖著手,天空約佔7至8成。 2. 用前文的拍攝方法,把星軌一併拍攝下來。關於前文的方法,可參考以下連結: 怎樣拍攝螢火蟲 ... (繼續閱讀)
在香港拍攝的嗎? Jacky Lee 自從我在這裡出文介紹螢火蟲以來,有很多人皆問我這些問題: 『在香港拍攝的嗎?』 『沒錯,真的在香港拍攝。』 『香港有螢火蟲?』 『只要我們愛護環境,我們便可以繼續有螢火蟲看。』 『在哪裡可以見到?』... (繼續閱讀)